Saturday, July 3, 2021

American Jobs Plan

Just Because It's Said by Joe Doesn't Make It So

This author gives her opinion--

"The best way to improve infrastructure isn't to throw taxpayers' money at it, but to privatize things such as passenger rail, airports and air traffic controllers, as many other countries have done already." The government seems to f-up everything and wastes money.

"Building infrastructure in the hope that it will create growth isn't supported by evidence.

The gigantic $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal is that our roads and bridges are "crumbling" and that modernization would generate economic growth and jobs — hence its name, the American Jobs Plan. But none of this clever marketing makes any of these claims true."

Read the article...

On top of that, most of the money in this bill will not go to roads, bridges, etc.

Most people think of Infrastructure as construction or improvement of bridges, highways, roads, ports, waterways and airports but this only accounts for only $157 billion, or 7%, of Biden's American Jobs Plan.


Anonymous said...

Biden lies.

Anonymous said...

Article is 2 months old but the claims are actually 3 months old.

Pants on Fire Lie from Politifact...

"Cheney said, "Something less than 6% ... of this proposal that President Biden has put forward is actually focused on infrastructure."

The figure she cited applies to spending on roads, bridges and highways, but excludes items in Biden’s proposal that experts say are widely considered to be infrastructure, including public transit, rail, airports, ports, waterways, the electrical grid, drinking water systems and broadband.

Moreover, her narrow definition of infrastructure contradicts her own repeated use of the word "infrastructure" in relation to bills that cover a wide range of matters beyond roads, bridges and highways.

We rate the statement Pants on Fire."

Lynn Anderson said...

Of course Politifact will discount an ultra conservative article. And who cares if the article is 2 months old? It stands.
Keep supporting the tax and spend President...geez!
"Politifact is actually nothing more than a thinly disguised leftist organization, supported by mainstream publications, which are generally “in the tank” for the Democrats, as well as such ultra-liberals as the founders of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think the best plan is just arguing about it, and writing opinion pieces.

Lynn Anderson said... was just an on-godly proposal at that point. It's not about arguing but it is about pointing out the facts and what we can afford. Biden wanted $6 trillion and they compromised at something on infrastructure I believe.