Monday, May 3, 2021

Gun Control bill HR-8

Eight Republicans Vote for House Gun Control Bill

Essentially, if it passes the Senate, we won’t be able to privately sell or gift guns without the government approving it.

The Democrat legislation, H.R. 8, was sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson and passed with vote of 227 to 203. That means eight Republican representatives sold out their constituents and voted to pass the bill.

CNN reports the eight Republicans were:

Vern Buchanan of Florida
Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania (co-sponsor)
Maria Salazar of Florida
Andrew Garbarino of New York
Chris Smith of New Jersey (co-sponsor)
Fred Upton of Michigan (co-sponsor)
Carlos Gimenez of Florida
Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Read the bill


Anonymous said...

Three from Florida?

Anonymous said...

How does this affect you Lynn? Why would you worry about gun sales? I understand that you don't like the constraints of government, but this won't make a blip on the radar of gun ownership.

Hopefully, it will crack down on illegal gun sales, and make it more difficult for crazy people to buy guns, but most of the people that have guns and shouldn't have guns, didn't buy them anyway. They stole them out of an unlocked car.

I would hope that you are a Law and Order person, who is on the side of the Police. If this makes our Police Force any safer, I'm all for it.

Lynn Anderson said...

@11:30../why don't you post under your NAME?
It will not crack down on any illegal gun sales or crazy people getting guns.
What this is, the start of total confiscation of guns in this country.
I would hope that you understand that...obviously not.

Anonymous said...

When the day comes Lynn that the government starts to confiscate all of the guns in this country, that's the end. That's Total War!