Sunday, November 8, 2020

"Are you being a sore loser," asks Jim Acosta


Anonymous said...

Maybe the press ought to give him a nickname like he gives everyone else a nickname. Maybe Loserman. Or maybe One-Term Donnie.

Although no matter what names they call him, it will never make up for the 4 years of name calling and demeaning nicknames he has used with everyone else.

Nothing is too bad for people like Trump.


Lynn Anderson said...

It's too bad that you have been so brainwashed.
You condemn the names he has given to Democrats but then you resort to the same tactic. Democrats are such phonies.

Anonymous said...

Sticks and Stones, 7:50, Sticks and Stones!

W. congratulated President Trump on a hard fought campaign.

One name you will never recover from is sore loser. The President should concede graciously, and save his honor, or risk being tarred with that label for the rest of his life. His vast constituency should encourage him to do that. At this point, he is starting to look like a fool. He wouldn't want his face to freeze like the faces he has been making lately.

Lynn Anderson said...

You are full of it @1:17.
There was fraud--plenty of it.
He is pursuing every avenue under the law.
So much corruption it isn't funny.
71 million supporters back him.
Take a hike, ok?

Anonymous said...

71 Mil support him, and 71+ Mil support the other one. So, what can you do. It's a divided country, okay.

Who is going to fire the first shot. Where will the next Ft. Sumter take place. How many men were lost in the Civil War. Are you going to volunteer?

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:27. do you really like sounding like an imbecile? the President is pursing fraud. His right. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

4:27 is counting the dead, the double voters and the paid votes for Biden.

Anonymous said...

Sore loser is Hillary Clinton and all who voted for her never got over it and divided this country.