Sunday, October 4, 2020

November 3 Election Choices


Anonymous said...

In some instances, I voted for your selections, in others I made different choices. I don't know why you would vote against a $15.00 hourly wage 5 years from now. I disagree with the portability increase to 3 years, as I think you should be able to make that decision as it stands now, and as far as Deceased Vet Spouse, if the taxes were any less for widows on fixed incomes, they would have to pay you. Obviously, since I am NPA, I voted for open primaries. Of course, I voted for Bradshaw, but I took your suggestion on Justice Muniz. The rest of the Justices are unknown to me, and I will leave it to those who work with them, or have been affected by their decisions to decide.

Lynn Anderson said...

As far as the Judges go, it is the voters decision. I researched all the judges and will vote YES to retain all.
As far as the $15 hour in 5 years, I was undecided on that when I wrote about it days ago. I was also undecided on Amendment 4. This is Club 45's choices which are very close to mine other than my 2 undecideds.
Open Primaries are the worst thing that could happen. Why do liberals want to change it? Ask yourself that question. I have zero sympathy for NPA's. Join a major party so you can vote in the primaries.The Republican and the Democrat Parties are against amendment 3. It is conceivable, because there is nothing in the amendment that would block two candidates from the same political party from appearing in the general election together wiping out one party candidate altogether. In a state with more registered Democrats, we may never see a Republican win.

Lynn Anderson said...

And another thing,what is the point to have two general elections to change our Florida Constitution? You need 60% of the vote as it is. Why make it harder? It would make changes more difficult and ultimately more expensive and would cause delays for necessary changes.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could vote for some of these people. Not on my ballot

Anonymous said...

Yes, on the Florida Constitution issue, I agree; It's the Pottery Barn Rule. NPA's basically would like to see more parties in the system. Two choices to run a country is not enough. These two parties have tied up the system for too long. Both are corrupt, and we are forced to choose between them. Let's see how they respond when everybody is an NPA. That day is coming!

Lynn Anderson said...

Politics will breed corruption. So, all you No Party Affiliation people believe everyone is corrupt but you guys?
Time for Term Limits!
TRUMP is NOT corrupt. Can't say much for the other guy.

Anonymous said...

Term limits is not the answer. The fact is that you would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. It probably takes a few years in Congress until you really have a grasp of all of the issues and the politics surrounding those issues.

Term limits only introduces a bunch of newbies who know nothing into the system, and then it takes years for them to catch up.

The key is for the American People to study the issues, educate themselves to the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates, and vote accordingly. The problem is, you get these locals, Jeff Clemens, for instance, with no knowledge of anything but getting ahead. How many of his type do you tnink we have state wide? A bunch, I'd wager.

There are some good members of Congress. Let's not get rid of them with Term Limits.

Anonymous said...

I also voted against the $15 minimum wage in 5 years. I would have voted for $10 and then have it increase with inflation usually by the Consumer Price Index for our area. Increasing it every year by one dollar is arbitrary.

I agree with the above writer about allowing NPA's to vote in primaries. On point with hi/her reasons. It is not that the NPA's are not corrupt but is clear that the two we have are.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:06. It's hard to predict what the economy will be like in 5 years regarding increasing the minimum wage.
I do not believe President Trump is corrupt.
You NPA's need to join a major party.

Anonymous said...

Not happening! We need more than two parties. Your faith in Trump is touching, but you would have no way of knowing if he is corrupt or not. And what is corrupt anyway? Is it a subjective term? I think it may be.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:23...NPA is NOT a Party. There are other political parties--Green Party, Libertarian, Constitution...probably more.
So, why should people who can't figure it out enjoy the benefits of a Primary?

Anonymous said...

The next time you go to Publix 1:06, see how the CPI is working out for ordinary working people. If you were to look in the market basket,(items the CPI is based on) the things you have to pay that increase every year, are not even in the basket. Car Insurance, for instance, is not in the market basket. Cable TV is not in the basket, so the things people really need the increase for are not accounted for in the CPI. Do you think 1.7% is a fair increase for SS recipients? This is also based on the CPI. No matter what happens, most of us will just always be working people. Everything else is hogwash.

Anonymous said...

No there aren't. Not anymore. I wouldn't register NPA if I had a choice, I would register Non-Partisan.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:25. Just register in a major party. State law requires that party changes be made at least 29 days prior to a partisan primary election (I think) in order to be valid for that election. Just keep changing if necessary if you have no idea which guy/gal is the best
I am not familiar with a Non-Partisan registration.

Anonymous said...

4:23 Corrupt defination: Hunter Biden, Kamala Horris, Any Clinton, TDS freaks, looters, arsonists, but you know all this as do we all.

Anonymous said...

You would have to go a long way to find a government that is not corrupt. That is why I say that it is a subjective term. One person's definition of corruption, might just be another person's way of getting things done.

Suppose, for instance, you were making a deal with the Taliban. Do you think this could involve what you might consider corruption at some level.

How about if in the negotiation they were permitted to keep X amount of poppy fields.

It's the situation that determines the level of corruption required to get something done.*

*Not based on any known situation. Just a hypothetical.