Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Our Enemies Rejoice in the Insurrection

Iran, Russia, China, Turkey celebrate 'collapse' of US

The goal of these countries during the current US crisis is to use it to their advantage to achieve gains.

Authoritarian regimes throughout the world are pushing narratives that appear to gloat over and celebrate that chaos unfolding in the United States. On Monday, Iran’s media pushed stories that highlighted the “collapse,” while quoting Russian sources portraying that the US is flailing about as its world order comes crashing down. [JerusalemPost]

Read about it...

And we can't forget Democrats have a big part.


Ruth Novak said...

If Hillary Clinton hadn't erased her emails, things would be different. Everyone is going to point the finger at Trump just because he is President and has control of the Senate. Everyone knows that AOC, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are running the United States now. If you don't, then you're part of the problem.

Vote Trump in 2020 if you want things to be better than they have been for the past 4!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lynn, That's called Schadenfreude!

What would you expect from them. Especially now, with the situation in Hong Kong. China made an agreement with England, not the US. When you try to enforce your will on other countries, naturally, they enjoy your discomfort.