Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wearing your N95 Face Mask

My friend Katie gave me this type of mask so I had to learn how to put it on and remove it...I wore it to Publix yesterday. Was hoping to run into Omari Hardy. :)


Shannon Markel said...

Lake Worth infections, as you yourself posted, is .05%. No one needs needs an N95 mask except those health professionals treating the sick. Shame on anyone for using them for their own personal use.

On the one hand you're saying the infection rate is ridiculously low. On the other, you're telling us you've obtained the Rolls Royce of masks and deprived our nurses and doctors of a much needed mask.

Lynn Anderson said...

It was given to me by someone who is married to a nurse. I didn't have a mask. So get off my frigging case. I happen to be in the group that is the most susceptible to getting this virus. At least I'm wearing one unlike you most likely.

Anonymous said...

This is not a medical grade mask.The hospital masks are different,but you had no way of knowing before you made your uninformed comments,Shannon. And BTW these were commonly available to the public before this outbreak at every hardware store in existence.No medical personnel was deprived of anything so cool your jets! The medical grade masks(which nurses are fitted for) greatly inhibit air flow compared to this mask.. It is however much better than NOT wearing a mask.Now that we are done with the "educating frantic idiots" portion of the post, Try "double masking". You can have a mask a then a bandanna fit over the mask. That way,when you get home only the Bandana goes into the wash. You can keep your supply of masks this way.