Saturday, April 4, 2020

H-2B visas on hold

DHS halts plan to issue 35,000 extra guest worker visas amid massive unemployment claims

In a big win for American workers, especially those who are most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Trump Administration announced on Thursday that it was putting on hold a plan to issue 35,000 additional H-2B visas this spring to low-skilled foreign workers.

The move was a result, in part, of your tremendous activism efforts. NumbersUSA activists flooded the White House with messages, urging Pres. Trump to put the additional H-2B visas on hold.

Adding to the onslaught, on Wednesday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson unloaded on DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf for siding with Corporate America over the interests of American workers by moving forward with the extra visas.
Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf has used his discretionary powers to add 35,000 extra visas. That's a total of 100,000 extra workers coming to this country to take jobs during the single biggest unemployment crisis in a century. It's demented. [NumbersUSA]

--Tucker Carlson, April 1, 2020

You can watch Tucker Carlson's full segment by clicking here

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