Monday, August 5, 2019

Mass Killings

Prosecutors Treat El Paso Shooting as Domestic Terrorism

Federal prosecutors are treating the shooting in El Paso, Texas, which left 20 dead Saturday, as an act of domestic terrorism and a possible hate crime that could carry the death penalty. That's a good thing and Texas has the death penalty and AG Barr has reinstated it on a federal level..

Hours after the El Paso shooting, a gunman killed at least nine and wounded or injured 27 early yesterday  in Dayton, Ohio. He even killed his sister. Cops killed him within 30 seconds of his first shot.

People who take the lives of others have to be "crazy." Democrats are blaming the President. That is equally as nuts. Again, Democrats are on the warpath to take away guns.

I texted Pastor Mike yesterday and he said, ""Evil is common with humanity--we all need Jesus." There just seems to be so much more of it over the last decade or so. Many Democrats in our government don't believe in the devil or any transcendent reality. We have seen the belief in God eroding away and this happens when we show confusion and not clarity about God's truth. Even Cory Booker said that "thoughts and prayers are bull shit."

At Sandy Hook in 2012 where 27 were killed, we said "Never again." Congress has dropped the ball.


Anonymous said...

I don't feel like I have to defend Cory Booker, but as far as the thoughts and prayers go, it is meaningless in the situation in which we find ourselves. I think that is what he meant. Of course we will think about them, and pray for them, but for officials to keep repeating the same hackneyed phrase is hypocritical and trite. Do something! That is what you were elected for, not to try and take the place of clergy.

Anonymous said...

maybe if some of our elected would side with the clergy of ALL faiths we might be able to mend fences.without GOD and prayer it looks pretty dismal

Lynn Anderson said...

We need to get back to our Judeo/Christian values. As Pastor Mike Olive says, "Love, not Hate."