Friday, June 7, 2019

ISIS and the Plot to cross our border

ISIS Plotted to Send Terrorists into America Through US-Mexico Border

“A chilling confession from a captured ISIS fighter has shed light on how the terrorist group intended to exploit the vulnerabilities of the U.S. border with Mexico, using English speakers and westerners to take advantage of smuggling routes and target financial institutions,” reports Fox News.

And the Democrats largest concern is bringing down Trump...after that, Dreamers, Sanctuary cities, killing babies and taking your guns but they don't do one darn thing about securing our country.

Read about it...


Lynn Anderson said...

Over 13 hours from Saudi to the U.S. I certainly know that we would have an intercept and our intelligence would be on top of that possibility--if it's even possible. 9-11 terrorists flew from this country, not 7000 miles away. How is this propaganda? It happened.

Anonymous said...

Well they had to come from somewhere Lynn, it's not like they were American Citizens. I remember they had a cell in Germany, and that they were basically Saudi Nationalists. How did they get here if they didn't fly?

Lynn Anderson said...

I would certainly suppose that they flew to this country and all had visas. They were in Lantana taking flying lessons. But whether they flew here directly is another story. Our National Security Agency had an awakening on 9-11 and not the same agency today. I think that they are suspicious of everyone.

Anonymous said...

A couple of them stayed at motels here Lake Worth before moving south to Lauderdale including Mohamed Atta. The point is terrorists don’t need to crawl or jump fences to get over here they can do so legally. Using them is propaganda for the border wall which isn’t needed as we have enough good reasons to build.

Lynn Anderson said...

@11:59 that might not "need to crawl or jump fences to get over here" but they are doing just that!
Another liberal against border security.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a liberal and I'm for boarder security. Just because I'm pointing out something, you go on the attack. Typical Trumpster.

Lynn Anderson said...

Let's not get stupid about it, ok?

Laurence said...

Now that the President is doing Pelosi and the democrats' work and getting Mexico to solve the invasion Pelosi is claiming that President Trump is getting the way of Congress' solving the problem. They have done nothing for years and she is lying about them as they attempt to give themselves a raise for the nothing they have done.