Friday, March 15, 2019

Quote of the day - Debra Bornstein

"Personally, If You don’t live in LWB (Lake Worth Beach) then do not post on what you think of our politics, utilities, crime, pot holes, people, etc etc etc. I am SO OVER the negativity by people who don’t even live here! I’d like to see a page that’s strictly LWB residents. There’s Too many people weighing in on things that aren’t even any of their business."

~ Debra Duran Bornstein

One of the main reasons for this name change of Lake Worth (a direct result of Scott Maxwell and Debra Bornstein's husband, city manager Michael Bornstein and the rest of the dais), was to lure more tourists here believing that adding "beach" to the name of our city would help in that regard. Tourists bring $$$$ all year long; non-residents frequent our downtown spending money in our restaurants and drive on our roads. They read about the crime, etc., etc., etc.of which we have plenty.

After attending so many commission meetings, we know that the dais and CM don't want anyone disagreeing with them. It's easy to label it as "negativity."


Anonymous said...

It's why I voted the bums out

Anonymous said...

An out of towner was near me when checking real estate listings on Lake ave, she asked me opinion about a certain address, as a local. I had to be honest, a NO GO zone. Not negative, just real.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Bornstein, I wouldn't know you from Adam, but I can tell you this: The people of Lake Worth won't forget this, and eventually, your husband will lose his job over it. Those of us who are permanent residents, and even those who own second homes here, aren't interested in attracting more tourists to the area. If the Irish bars can't sustain themselves without tourists, let them go elsewhere. Maxwell will be enjoying his last free lunch at our expense in the next election. (Or should I say his last free drink)

"You go girl"

Lynn Anderson said...

The city manager was hired by the commission in 2012 when Maxwell fired Stanton. It's time to talk about TERM LIMITS.

Anonymous said...

Debra, I am SO OVER brain dead idiots like you that thought adding "BEACH" to our name would be the reason for tourists to suddenly start flocking to our town.You ,Debra, think that frosting a pile of crap,calling it cake,and inviting all of the stupid people like yourself to partake of a yummy slice was the answer to very real problems that this town has. How sad. And how VERY pretentious. Maybe ,Debra ,instead of being ashamed to live in a town without the word "beach" attached to it,you should have moved your skinny bum to Palm Beach.That way,you could have avoided all of the "negative" people here in Lake Worth that are looking for real solutions and who are not stupid enough to swallow a pile of frosted crap and call it yummy!

Anonymous said...

im tired of the people just moving here thinking they know what I want.first off not one of you dumb shits have ever asked my opinion.heard that's because im over 70.dont know who is responsible for the so called art on the buildings but it sucks.everytime I turn around some newbee is writing a new history of the town.none of my friends who have family pioneers here were asked.what does this town have to offer tourists?

Anonymous said...

Beach,pubs and vapes.

Anonymous said...

Thar's kind of hard to understand 7:16, but I think I got the gist of it. I think Debra has to be reminded that she is enjoying a very nice life-style here in Lake Worth, thanks to her husband's position as City Manager. It would be in her interest also,to consider that it's the tax paying base that is paying that salary, not the tenants and transits who have somehow been convinced to vote for changing the name of Lake Worth. It's good to know which side your bread is buttered on, before you go off on a tirade about how tired you are of negativity.

Anonymous said...

A brilliant observation Ramon! The city won't be able to dodge the crime statistics anymore, by pushing them out west.