Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Are Social Media Giants really running our country?

Project Veritas' James O'Keefe, was the keynote speaker last night at Club 45. This was one of the top keynote speakers all year. As he said, the tech giants have all the power, more so than all three branches of our government combined.


Dan Volker said...

Control the media, you control the country.
Previous best implementation by Adolph Hitler.

Present best example is by the American Democratic Socialist Party - led by Pelosi, with a Propaganda Ministry controlling Facebook and Twitter as well as the Mainstream News Media.

Exactly as in 1930's Germany, with the German people believing in the democratic socialists in control at the time....
Today's Democratic Socialists will follow Pelosi and AOC and their ilk - to destroy the basic culture and social fabric of America, and then to revel in the accomplishments of the destruction they cause.

The German people did not realize the evil they were embracing, any more than our liberal and democratic friends are realizing the evil of the democratic socialist party they now embrace. Nazism is compelling to the brainwashed. Never in the history of mankind, have the medias controlled the ignorant masses as well as they do today. Joseph Goebbels would be jealous ! :-(

Anonymous said...

This guy has a set of huge brass balls !!!