Saturday, February 2, 2019

Frank Stephens on abortion

Powerful anti-abortion message to Congress by a man with Down Syndrome

On October 25, 2017 and making an appeal against abortion to a congressional committee, Frank Stephens said, "Whatever you learn today, please remember this. I am a man with Down Syndrome and my life is worth living."

Stephens' interview on Fox News 2-1-19


Anonymous said...

If it hasn't already happened: degraded women will be paid to get pregnant to feed the abortion money machine.

Anonymous said...

This mad me cry! This is a testimony for life and all unborn have a right to life and no one should deny it, no one, not even the women carrying the child. Abortion is murder! It is wrong! WE must stop if we are going to be a humane civilize society. All people deserve life, even if someone is going to be born down or anything. I read a while ago about how many countries like Iceland and Greenland tests genes before a baby are born and people abort if it is indicated that the job is at risk of being down or have some other birth defect and hence have fewer down and babies with defects when born. This is so sad that people do to value ALL life. My mother's cousin had a son with down syndrome a lot like Frank Stephens, I doubt his mother would ever thought her life was better without him. This is a beautiful story and this man needs to keep being an ambassador for ending abortion. Pray to end abortion. Support Frank and 40daysforlife!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people never want to believe or accept that the fact many babies are born with defects is due to the parents and their bad habits, whether drinking, smoking, or using drugs. Either the male of female can contribute to the birth defects of the child, if the father smokes pot and it is in his system, this can be passed on through the sperm and cause birth defects if his partner becomes pregnant. Studies have shown, that a lot of birth defects are caused by the carelessness and selfishness of the parents before and during birth. Our world is a better place with all people, even people like Frank with down syndrome. It can be prevented though too. As all the liberal keep pushing for all these drugs and recreational marijuana, are they thinking about their future babies and families, how many more down syndrome will we have? Maybe it is what God wanted for those people who did this careless selfish pot smoking and impregnating and producing a baby which has the birth defect of being down, it all comes around full circle.

God wanted President Trump to be President of the USA for a reason. Maybe all these causes are going to make people think more about their own actions and realize that abortion is murder and wrong, so is abusing drugs and hurting poor babies before they are born, whether through their father or mother smoking pot before birth or killing their child because they know they are going to be down or have some other defect. How sad for our society.

Anonymous said...

If the Democrats will champion the killing of a baby-think what they will do to all of the elderly and mentally ill in this country when they take over your "health" care.

Anonymous said...

How dare government officials enact laws that causes the termination of a life prematurely!

That should only apply to the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

WE need to value ALL life from conception to natural death, abortion and the death penalty must be abolished if we are ever going to consider ourselves a humane civilization. They are murder. We need to respect all people, Down syndrome, gays, any race, gender, creed, religion, etc. God put all of these people on earth to teach us a lot of lessons, but bottom line is, it is ALL about LOVE! Do you love your neighbor who is gay? Your friends daughter with Down? It is all going to boil down to love in the end people! Murdering an innocent unborn baby is NOT love.