Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Left is Eating Itself

"I was over the Democrats' act. The mindless rage at everyone to the right of Mao was becoming tiresome; especially considering it was fueled by hate, ignorance and outright baloney. 'The NRA is a terrorist organization!' 'Border security is racist' 'Blame the white guy!' Rather than examine their internal workings and possibly come up with a message that didn't involve expressing complete disdain for at least half the country, they curled up, ever-tighter, into a seething ball of political fury.

They blew every nickel of political capital they ever earned on keeping Hillary Clinton's political fantasies on life support and were falling apart like whatever is left of former President Barack Obama's dwindling legacy. I've already seen them try to sway the electorate by telling them they hate them more than cancer. Zzzzz." [Bob Livingston]

Read the rest of Bob's article...


Anonymous said...

Exactly. Bob's got it right.

What we need to do is start mocking and taunting teenagers who survive mass shootings at their schools. The fact that they're tired of it happening again and again is stupid.

And the outrage that Democrats have shown when it comes to children being separated from their parents without any plans to reunify them is un-American. They're illegals, for God's sakes. It's not like they're real people. If you're going to try to escape horrible living conditions in your country and come to America for a better life, you're not human. Get in line or have your kids taken from you. That's the America the stupid Democrats don't understand.

Roy Moore running in Alabama, Arthur Jones running in Illinois...it's the new America. And if you don't think Putin is a great leader and that the North Korea dictator is a tough guy well, you don't know what it means to love this country.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:55 proof that The Left IS Eating itself. Keep it up--you lose.

Anonymous said...

No, actually America loses. And the people who support such evilness and ungodliness will "lose" when they go before Him.

Selling your soul to "win" is one helluva trade-off.

You do "believe," don't you, Lynn?

I sure do. :)

Lynn Anderson said...

OMG--all the BS for you. Why not read up and understand what is going on. No way to debate a brain washed liberal who says he/she is a believer. Too much. I'm not going to post any more of these types of comments. Sorry--go to some socialist or Democrat blog somewhere. I don't have the time to respond to the drivel.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, don't let the devil tease you. WE know who is good. We have a moral thermostat. Just remember, do you want to be Sarah or the Red Hen? WE have to take the high road over all these mad folks, mad, crazy, without any logic or reason.

General Custard said...

The Second Civil War begins tomorrow, according to Lynn's favorite information source (Alex Jones).

Sleep well!

Lynn Anderson said...

You unpatriotic anarchists have started the war. Let's see how far you fall.

Anonymous said...

7:55am children are separated from parents who break the law. Your take on the news is censored by CNN. Bill Clinton and Anthony Wiener are the poster boys for perverts. Roy Moore keeps being brought up because you have no example of anything as bad as Bill.

Anonymous said...

Making Roy Moore a talking point is stupid, he was 32 hardly a dirty old man,the date was consented to (where was the girl's mother) no rape occurred unlike cases with Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

That is what all forget, especially the liberal dem left who do not want any law or order and wants illegals to cross illegal. THEY BROKE THE LAW, THAT IS WHY THE KIDS ARE SEPARATED FROM THEIR PARENTS, THEIR PARENTS ARE IN JAIL, THAT IS WHY, THEY BROKE THE LAW!

Anonymous said...

For every one thing that the left try to throw around about conservatives,there are about 800 things that conservatives could throw around about the left. The mid-terms are going to be so traumatic for the left. More losing.