Friday, July 6, 2018

Mayor of Wellington speaks to Republican Club

I attended the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County Meeting last night.  The keynote speaker was Anne Gerwig, mayor of Wellington. She talked about the structure of city governments and how they operate.

A few interesting bits of trivia that were revealed in her talk--

Wellington commissioners are term-limited--two terms
Salaries are $800 a month with a stipend of $45 monthly for dry-cleaning.
Wellington pays $9 million a year for PBSO
There are approximately 62,000 residents
Land mass is 45.25 square miles

Lake Worth commissioners are NOT term limited and they now serve three year terms
Lake Worth commissioners make $24,500 a year with the Mayor making $29,500 plus they get $6,000 a year for a car allowance.
Lake Worth pays over $15 million a year for PBSO
There are approximately 37,000 residents
Land mass is 5.88 square miles. Including the water, it is 6.67 square miles


Weetha Peebull said...

It's not personal - it;s math
In your face mockery math!

Anonymous said...

What a joke! We are smaller, fewer residents, smaller area, yet our PBSO and elected make so much more! Why? This is just not right. I agree $800 a month max for these goons. How sick for them to make this much money, a living 40 hour a week salary, do you know most who work 40 hour on min wage make less than this? This is a middle class salary for 1-2 meetings a week. Incredible! Thanks Lynn for sharing the truth and pushing for transparency and honesty.

Anonymous said...

GREED AND CORRUPTION = andy, pam, and scott! So sick!

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you should send those facts to the mayor and ask her to justify them, why is Wellington able to do all so much cheaper, yet is a bigger city?

Anonymous said...

Ask pam and the cm why? Let us know what she says.

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment for the LW citizens and taxpayer especially.

Anonymous said...

Population density and demographics make all the difference here. You are not comparing apples to apples, you are comparing apples to rutabagas.

Lynn Anderson said...

Wow--which city is the rutabaga?
Density has nothing to do with the fact that our commissioners voted themselves 3 times the salary that Wellington commissioners make plus $6,000 a year for a car allowance. Their car allowance is 2/3rds the yearly salary for Wellington commissioners.

Anonymous said...

And grifter Hardy says he isn’t paid to attend community events. How many hours per week are they required to work? Do they fill out time sheets? Wonder how much the Wellington city manager earns?

Anonymous said...

hope you wake up and knock hardy out of there

Anonymous said...

LW voters need to vote all of these clowns out of office and insist on firing the CM. What a joke this city is!