Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Lake Worth Leaders should Listen to the people

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
July 4, 2018

Lake Worth leaders should listen to people

A photograph is worth a 1,000 words, as to what our beach and pool used to look like back in the 1930s and ’40s, and could look like again, if only our current mayor and commissioners would start listening to the people who live and work in this unique town of Lake Worth.

I am sick and tired of their public-private partnerships to solve the problems that they are too afraid or lazy to confront and fix. The price of any services by public-private partnerships are consistently higher than those managed by local governments. All people should have equal access to the commons (public areas) on a nonprofit basis.

The public pool that should have been fixed two years ago still languishes in disrepair during the hottest summers ever recorded in history. The mayor says we don’t have the money to fix it ourselves, which to me is ludicrous. We seem to be able to come up with the $300,000 plus for license-plate readers to catch desperadoes entering and leaving our town.

This is Lake Worth, not Palm Beach. So Mayor [Pam] Triolo and commissioners, stop assuming our existing public service providers are unable to perform their duties cost effectively because nothing could be farther from reality and the truth.



Anonymous said...

Great letter.

Anonymous said...

Good for James! These elected here and the incompetent city manager should all be completely embarrassed and removed from office for lack of proper fiduciary actions in Lake Worth.

Anonymous said...

Succinct and so true! Vote them out and fire the CM!

Anonymous said...

well said

Anonymous said...

Bravo !

Anonymous said...

nice words to vote them out but everytime someone steps up it is said they don't have no experience and the idiots are put back in.take a chance folks and try some new blood if you got the guts.then fire cm ,take back cra,go to term limits,cut the salaries back,take away monster car alowence and have receipts for EVERYTHING bet you anyone with common sense could turn this town around and fix the pool

Anonymous said...

I dont disagree with you on the pool. It should have been repaired and operating. Its been two summers now. If there was money for the plate readers, there was money for the pool. The private-public partnership issue is where we disagree. Outsourcing these type of functions does not cost more. 3rd party providers do not provide city benefits to their employees. 3rd party providers generally negotiate better pricing on supplies and insurance. They are singularly focused on one operation, not an entire city with varying departments. The city would have one person to manage the entire pool operation. The city doesnt lose control. It can dictate in contract the hours of operation, uniforms, and even that LW residents be given first opportunity for employment. Dont shut down this option out of fear. It is the simplest and quickest way to get the pool operating. Unfortunately, city management and elected seem to want a waterpark for tourists rather than a pool for residents.

Anonymous said...

do you think its going to draw more have the rapids and now the county is going to build a big water park at forest hill and the you say fix what we got and they will the way if they couldn't get the building done right they wont get a park right

Anonymous said...

Why wasn’t the pool remodeled when the casino building was rebuilt? It’s like getting a facelift and leaving a wort on your nose.

Lynn Anderson said...

8:58--the pool didn't need to be remodeled. We had just put 4400,000 into it. I guess you haven't been around here for very long.