Thursday, July 5, 2018

Hey England--It's worked out for us--get a grip!

It's worked out for us and that is why millions want to live here.

Happy Independence Day America – how’s that working out for you?

This article, written by a writer, Matthew Norman, from The Independent, a British newspaper, is off the wall. Thank God we broke from them and established the greatest republic on Earth. Jealousy, or malicious envy, is one of the deadly sins. 

Read the obnoxious article, based on false assumptions and fantasy not to mention the insults to our president (socialists love to do that) and to all of us who live here. They, with all their socialism, have fallen into the trap set for them by all the news media and liberals/socialists in this country.

It just kills them that we honor our country every Independence Day.


Anonymous said...

The news in England is severely censored and biased. No one hears half of the mayhem and atrocity committed by their protected refugees. They put their own citizens under the bus,especially the young women.

Anonymous said...

Is he any different than Mad Max, or shummer, nancy, or Debbie w-s? And all these unhinged illogical and lawless dems leftists who do not want any law and order.

The people who want law and order are behind President Trump for addressing this immigration thing although our lame elected congress/senate DO NOTHING AT ALL.