Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Hummingbird Hotel

Lake Worth’s Hummingbird Hotel being turned into a luxury office space

We don't have enough office space I guess. Luxury office space?  That means top dollar year round.

One thing for sure, we have ZERO hotels.

Read about the Hummingbird Hotel...


Anonymous said...

No one seems to care what's going on in the downtown. Why not?

Lynn Anderson said...

Read my comment on the Post article.

Anonymous said...

Where will the valet parkers park the cars???? It's hard to park down town as it is! This is not something new. Our downtown needs a hotel more than it needs more office space. My guess is that the rents will be so high nobody can afford to have an office there.

Anonymous said...

This too will fail.

Anonymous said...

It may fail you are right. If they put a gay B&B or gay bathhouse that would sure be a success though!

Anonymous said...

Gays rule in LW, it is the gay capital of PB County too, love it or leave it!

Anonymous said...

you don't rule all of us

Anonymous said...

Jeez it would’ve been nice to have a cute boutique hotel to go with our lovely beach, or for the street painting festival tourists , or maybe a little romantic getaway.

Ooooooh , I forgot ! The Gulfstream will be opening any day now! Lol.