Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Quote of the day - Donald Trump -Eagles Insult our President

"The Philadelphia Eagles are unable to come to the White House with their full team to be celebrated tomorrow. They disagree with their president because he insists that they proudly stand for the national anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country.”

 ~ President Donald Trump

Fewer than 10 members of the Super Bowl champions' team were planning to attend the celebration today on the South Lawn despite weeks of planning for the event. This event is nonpolitical but a large segment of the Eagles team made this celebration of a football victory political. Instead, there will be a celebration at 3pm to honor America. All other invited guests are still invited to attend.

It is a total disgrace that these football players would insult the president in this manner. But when you invite guests to the "people's house" and the majority decide to disrespect the host and their American fans,  you cancel the party. The president is not going to fool around with fools.


Patrice said...

Lynn, do yourself a favor and google how many times certain Republican sports figures refused to go to the Obama White House. After you're done with that, google how many times OUR President Obama stamped his feet, whined, and carried on about being snubbed.

Trump is a middle schooler in a suit. His followers are just about as mature.

Y'all really need to grow up and get over not being liked.

Lynn Anderson said...

The difference here is at 8:54, I don't give a rat's A that you don't like me. The feeling is mutual. I report on the facts and liberals just can't stand that. They whine, moan and groan, lie a lot, are rude as hell and the other half of American is watching. Every time you do that, the awareness factor rises to what you all are all ab out...hate you spew. It's not going to help you.

Anonymous said...

Can't find anyone but 4 Miami dolphins that boycotted Obama.

Anonymous said...

The Obama white house is over along with his dubious invitees, chosen especially to divide our country.

Anonymous said...

And anyone deciding to refuse the White House invitation of Obama, was immediately branded a racist.

Anonymous said...

Trump needs to grow up. He's a snowflake.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9:42: the internet is really difficult sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Trump is a snowblower,clearing the snowflakes of this country out of the path of prosperity for Americans!

Anonymous said...

Players need to grow up most of them contribute nothing but more baby Mamas.This and all protests should be ignored much as it's best to ignore any tantrum.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t go to see Obama so I don’t blame them for not going.

Anonymous said...

I’m a hockey fan and I know that Tim Thomas didn’t go after Boston won the Stanley Cup. Who cares, just another lame story for the media.

Lynn Anderson said...

@12:32...you meant to say trump is Making America Great Again and steering Democrats into a path for success.