Thursday, May 31, 2018

Chuck Schumer doesn't like the term "Spygate"

On Monday, while most Americans were remembering the sacrifice of fallen service members, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., gave instruction to the mainstream media via tweet. The chief Democrat of the U.S. Senate wants President Donald Trump to be taken to task for using the term “Spygate” and insists that there is “absolutely no evidence of a spy” being placed in the 2016 Trump campaign. [Conservative Review]

According to the New York Times:

"F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims"

Ya gotta love it.


Anonymous said...

Neither does Trey Gowdy.

Lynn Anderson said...

Trey is right 99.999% of the time. This is one time when he is wrong.
Now Chuckie, on the other hand, is WRONG 99.999% of the time.

Anonymous said...

Calling Bullshit on Slimy Schumer!By this logic, Hillary was HELPING Bernie Sanders to win the Presidency by Fuc$ing him out of the nomination!
By this logic, Rosanne was complimenting Valerie Jarret on her complexion with her tweet!
By this logic Samantha B calling Ivanka Trump a CUNT and suggesting that she seduce her father was actually her way of saying that she,Samantha B, is President Trump's biggest fan !
Look,just keep screwing the American people with the huge double standard,day is really night crap. The Democrats are going to get BURIED in the mid terms.

Anonymous said...

The American people are not stupid . We know what a spy is and what they did to President Trump. Keep on tap Dancing libretards.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the term Chuck Schumer

Anonymous said...

not sure who would like or support nancy or chuck, wish they would both lose and retire out of sight, we deserve better. If Bernie had won the nomination he would have beat Pres. Trump. Blame Hillary for that one too. I am sure thins are much better now though with Pres. Trump, with Bernie just more socialism and freebees for all the lazy's.