Saturday, March 3, 2018

Concealed Weapons License Holder

This will set all the fears to rest of all you liberal weenies.


Anonymous said...

So did they read your blog as part of the background, Lynn?

I wonder what they do if they receive complaints regarding the behavior of a specific permit holder?

Lynn Anderson said...

Calling you an AZZ-Ho*e is my First Amendment right. Democrats complain about everything. So, what's new? Are you going to complain about one-half of the country that is smarter than you are?

Anonymous said...

No one is concerned about legal concealed weapon holders. NRA propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Piglet looking for Father-fears he may have become bacon.Where's my Daddy?

Anonymous said...

It seems there are either vicious right wing old ladies around here, or starry eyed left wing old ladies. None of them have an IQ over 98, and if it weren't for their husbands, deceased, or otherwise, they would have starved to death a long time ago.

Aha for the good old days, when people didn't live so long!

Lynn Anderson said...

You sound like an incredibly putrid individual, anonymous at 2:12. What a sore LOSER...can't get over your gal Hillary who is a crook, by the way. :)