Saturday, January 6, 2018

Muslim Migration study across Europe

Say goodbye to the Europe you used to know. Its Muslim population is mushrooming, expected to quadruple by 2050 in some countries

Read about it...

Their goal is to dominate the world.


Anonymous said...

One thing you don't have to worry about Lynn, is what happens in 2050.

Lynn Anderson said...

And you probably won't have to worry about it either.
But then, that's not the point now, is it?

Lynn Anderson said...

To the harasser who continues to come over here-
I definitely prefer a Christian world which happens to be one of peace. Christianity has spread its influence all over the world--and the number of Christians around the world has nearly quadrupled in the last 100 years, from about 600 million in 1910 to more than 2 billion in 2010. You don't see Christians suppressing people or chopping off heads. I don't accept the Koran or much of the Islam religion.
Hope that "gets it for you."

LM said...

The Muslim's and the Catholic's have had the same goal throughout time. Each understood that if they could populate the world with their brand of religion, then they could control the world. It appears that birth control has doomed the Catholic church to a second tier religion and it will be but a few short years before the Muslims take over the Vatican. Once that occurs, Muslims will begin forcing all peoples of the world to convert or perish. China and India may be the only holdouts, and if so then you will see a mass migration of 'whites' to those countries to escape the Mullahs.

Olivia said...

I'm surprised and concerned that a Lake Worth resident is advocating for, what is essentially, a white supremacist position. I honestly thought our city was free of this kind of thought but I suppose with the times as they are, anything is possible. Lynn, I know you attend the town meetings and often add to the conversation but now that I know your white nationalist leanings, I hope that you'll avoid advocating for that kind of thinking in Lake Worth. We are a town that welcomes everyone. And we're very proud of that.

John Oja said...

I'm also concerned that a Lake Worth resident is openly advocating white nationalist doctrine on a public blog. It's a free country but these kinds of views belong on some fringe website and not on the blog of a community member who attends town functions on a regular basis. This is dangerous and volatile thinking and Lake Worth residents should stand up and demand better from their residents.

Shame on you, Lynn.

Lynn Anderson said...

Guess what, "John" above...this is America. Free speech prevails. I thought all you liberals believed in that. Oh, that's right--you only believe in it when it pertains to something you are in agreement with.
Haters and Atheists and feminists will continue to have a hard time reading this blog. Facts matter.
Go stand in a corner somewhere where it is safe for you. And don't forget to wear your pick pussy hat.

Anonymous said...

Olivia and "John" are dangerous and volatile in their dismissal of a sector of our population. How's that for diversity and acceptance.

Anonymous said...

There is still a huge Roman Catholic population south of the border LM, and I don't think the Muslim Faith is actively proselytizing down there. I think we may have a little time before we have to immigrate to India. Also, don't discount the Christian Arabs, who are about as fierce a bunch as you are liable to meet.