Democratic Club Debate 2008
So, will the incumbents once again have a free ride and slide into public office unchallenged less than four months from now?
Let's face it; it's a crappy job--meeting one or two times a month deciding on policies and city business--and don't forget all those seminars to fabulous places like Nashville, Washington D.C and Key West--car allowances, cell phones and medical insurance. Maybe the perks are worth the annoyance from residents when they have to listen to their public commentary. Heck, they don't even have to return phone calls or e-mails.
I was talking with 90 year old John Jordan yesterday who is so mad that he said he might run just to make points. He is a dear friend and a serial candidate. I hope that there are others out there with the enthusiasm and the stamina to take on the challenge of democracy. There is a lot of work to do.
This city's slum, blight and crime issues have not improved. One thing that has been publicly noticed is this commission's attraction to development and Hudson Holdings...allowing heights in our downtown and their willingness to ignore the vote and the law. And what about pouring $11 million into the Park of Commerce? Whatever happened to the pothole emergency? This commission lost that vote by 25 and now they have found other ways to re-do infrastructure rather than taxing you for 34 years.
It is extremely difficult finding anyone who wants to run for office. No one wants to get beat up 24/7. But one thing that we do know, we desperately need elected officials looking out for the residents here--honoring the will of the people and not giving excuses and arrogantly believing that they are smarter than all the rest of us put together...sitting on that thrown of superiority.
The General Election will be held in the City of Lake Worth, Florida, on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, (with a Run-Off Election on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, if necessary), for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Commissioner from District #1 and Commissioner from District #3, each for a two (2) year term.
We will know the answer by noon, twelve days from now.
I just hope that I can live that long and still be able to have a mind. hehe. Go John.
We can't have anyone sliding into office. Someone please run out there. I won't be able to take another two years of Scott, Pam and Andy. Awful thought for our city.
John, not J Jordan
Hey John at 12:15, why not you ? There are a lot of great people out here that could run. They won't though. They are waiting for somebody else to get thrown under the bus. Good luck with that.
It's time for John to enjoy retirement. The City is better than it has been in years. New folks are moving in every day and life is good here.
That was clever of you--two insults and one opinion that life is good. John is enjoying retirement and he is one of those individuals who believes in free speech and knows that life is good but that things can be better in LW..thank God for John and people like him.
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