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I know everyone is focusing on a Hillary Clinton run for president in
2016 but be wary of sleight of hand. The insidious far left progressive
socialists are drunk with election success. America has given them our
country and its largest city to be led by individuals whose ideology and
beliefs are completely antithetical to our Constitutional Republic.
~ Allen West
Speaking about the New York city mayor De Blasio turning it into a Marxist paradise. Read the entire article here
I read a couple of the comments following your hero's article. One of the commenters was praying that al queda nuked New York City because it's a progressive city.
Nice people you associate with. That explains your demeanor.
Weren't you the biggest supporter ever of the "progressive" commission here in Lake Worth. Mulvehill, Jennings, Golden. Mcoy. Yes indeed your "best commission ever". Communists.
It's quite possible you are the biggest idiot in the world.
Hey COWARD--Post under your own name. No guts. It takes an idiot?
I have answered your charges before. I vote for the BEST person who is not giving away our city on a silver platter and who, overall, has the best interests of our city at heart. all of those people you mentioned fit that bill overall.
Even an IDIOT can understand that, NO?
next, I have no control who writes what. Most of the time they are anonymous just like you. I am rather sure that your comment is as objectionable to many as some comments you read here are to you. I have no idea to what blog you refer.
Thanks for your confidence. Change your Party. That might make you a little more pleasant.
I am going through past blogs that I have not read the comments on and ran into this. There are so mAny morons in this city. Now this anony At 12;18 wants to hold you up to comments made on some other blog somewhere. This is what we have to deal with in Lake Worth which is 100% dysfunctional with a lot of nasty people. They aIl hang out on that other bully's blog. in f act, that is probably him posting.
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