Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Governor Rick Scott

Right now and up until the election next year, the Democrats will be doing a hatchet job on Governor Rick Scott. They are in their destroy mode as I write.  It's hard to know who to trust because politics is brutal. Personally I don't think he's done that bad of a job..at least he stopped the high speed rail to nowhere.

After Rick Scott was elected he was handed large debts and budget deficits. Florida was in a complete mess. He then rolled up his sleeves, sat down and did the job he was "hired" to do:
  • Provided over $2 billion in funding for education
  • Stopped the teacher tenure and instituted merit pay. Florida teachers and students are now ranked 6th in the nation.
  • Raised education standards and found new testing solutions
  • Reduced property taxes by over $200 million
  • Put the brakes on auto insurance rates
  • Led the fight to keep illegals from voting
  • Created a $24 billion trade surplus
  • Unemployment down by 4.4% since 2010
  • 440,900 jobs created with job growth for 39 consecutive months
  • Florida median homes prices up by 16.6%
  • Signed a bill protecting gun owners and the 2nd Amendment rights
  • Signed a bill prohibiting the use of state funds for abortions

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