Monday, December 9, 2013

3rd and South K Street

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Can we get this d*** thing off our city street?
It's been there since the middle of last week.


Anonymous said...

So now that outsourcing fell through due to how much it would cost, who is doing code? Looks like William Waters is doing a very poor job of it!

Lynn Anderson said...

I thought everyone quit, retired or were fired!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to tell from the photo, but this almost looks like its in front of an open lot. One of my friends who owns some commercial property in the western part of town, has this problem all the time. People dump stuff in front of open lots or in front of commercial buildings or in front of bank owned properties.

While I am all for code enforcement, my friend has ended up being cited for trash being dumped in front of their commercial property which really seems unfair.

Anonymous said...

All the same code officers are still there, except for Caraballo, Gracia and the Code Manager. Director William Waters is in charge of code. The outsourcing failed. All the people who are gone resigned due to bad management and lack of knowledge from the Director, Waters. Morale is at an all-time low.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, why did the outsourcing fail. No bids, bids too high, so have you heard of any alternate plan?

Lynn Anderson said...

I did not know that the outsourcing had failed until read it on a comment here. I will find out, though.