Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"It's sickening!" "It's scandalous!"

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so says former commission Nadine Burns, the very same commissioner who was seated on the dais when all the money went missing, when the internal auditor recommended prosecution for our finance director. Now that's sickening and scandalous. In a Palm Beach post article today, she was talking about the Writ that was given to the City of Lake Worth yesterday and complaining that the YES people to "do this over 20 feet is sickening."

What IS sickening in this city is
all the crime
all the slum and blight
all the poverty
all the illegal aliens
all the children who are struggling and who are illiterate
all our property values in the tank
convicted criminals expanding a business in our downtown
and a Palm Beach Post reporter writing such an article on "heights," a subject that is so important to all those who voted, all 55.86% who won the election.

And of course what is sickening and scandalous is

the arrogance of this city commission not honoring the results of the vote of March 12, 2013.


Anonymous said...

I hope these people do sue. There are Class Action Lawsuits being filed Against
Obama/NSA For Violations of Constitution right now. Do you people think that is scandalous and sickening too?

Anonymous said...

What is sickening is that our commissioners who are supposed to represent citizens, are disregarding the citizens' vote in favor of developers and realtors who line their pockets.

Anonymous said...

Nadine Burns, you mean the garbage can queen, the one who cost this city about $1 mil for lousy garbage cans that had to be replaced? Now that's sickening.

Anonymous said...

You absolutely know you are on the right rack when the chamber of commerce gets into the act,,,Evil group of developer whores.

Anonymous said...

The City refused to incorporate the language of the Amendment to the City Charter approved by the voters and transmit the amended charter to the Department of State as required by Florida Statute Section 166.031(2): 166.031 Charter amendments.

Anonymous said...

all the crime.... the heights issue would have addressed this
all the slum and blight.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all the poverty.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all the illegal aliens.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all the children who are struggling and who are illiterate.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all our property values in the tank.....the heights issue would have addressed this
convicted criminals expanding a business in our downtown.....the heights issue would have addressed this

This whole debacle has been a bait and switch from the start and the above proves it. We have so many REAL problems in the city and all you can do is concentrate on is the one issue that could help us solve some of the same issues you bring up.

Just who are the developer whores? Oh, that's right.... they are lined up at our borders just waiting for the chance to invest their money in a failing, dysfunctional city for all the reasons you so eloquently list above.

Who is lining their pockets? Ya, right, we have a bunch of millionaires sitting up there. Getting rich on the backs of three lots East of Federal Hwy.

Keep the smoke billowing and fanning the flames.

Anonymous said...

I keep reading about developers who line their pockets. Can anyone name a developer or prove that pockets were lined. Are there any developments above 45 feet in the works. That mock up of what the downtown would look like without restrictions turned me from being a yes voter. I think the buildings were purposely made to look unattractive in an effort to deceive voters. My friends and I are not at all happy with the dais but certainly do not want to elect people who are connected with radical groups. We have a big stake in this city and will be heard from.

Lynn Anderson said...

The ONLY thing radical going on is what this commission has done. All of you who raised an illegal banner or cheered for this insurrection and who LIED about getting your way are the radicals. You are the ONLY radicals right now in this city. Cara Jennings retired a long time ago if you still want to believe she is some radical.

There is no percentage in insulting 55.86% of the voters. Call them radical if you will, but these are people who want to keep our downtown to 4 stories and residents just like you who still believe that they should have a say in what this city looks like. There is NOTHING RADICAL about that.

Anonymous said...

anony at 9:58 YOU ARE SICKENING and totally out of it. Who is this? a plaNNER? A real estate person?

Anonymous said...

Why you find the need to attack citizens like me is counter productive to any progress. Calling middle aged business people radicals is a bit outlandish. We knew nothing about a banner. The banner was bad but so were the mock ups of a warehouse like downtown, but you make no mention of those.

Anonymous said...

i agree with 10:07. name a developer and whose pocket they are lining. why do you insult us? ms. decker is a self professed radical.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:58..Saul Alinsky at his finest. LOL

Anonymous said...

You think you're being insulted anony? Understand election law and perhaps you will be able to figure it out although you are a middle aged business person who is only looking out for his self interests not the greater good of the city. Go take a course on voters rights and maybe then you wouldn't be sooooooooo offended.

Anonymous said...

I'm 9:58

You want to bring up rules for radicals? Then imply I'm using them?

Isn't it you who are trying to paint US now as radicals and anarchists?

Isn't it in Alinsky's "how to" book that instructs how to turn the tables like you have done and confuse the issues? Attack the person and confuse the issue. Say that they are raising the heights when if fact they are lowering them? Call them names and imply they are getting rich on the backs of the poor people of Lake Worth?

The self professed anarchist is now the "reasonable one" and those of us who realistically look to the future for real progress for Lake Worth are now painted as "radical?

This is absurdity to the maximum.

Lynn Anderson said...

And you have learned his tactics well, anonymous at 11:16. Crawl back under the woodwork.

Anonymous said...

"all the crime.... the heights issue would have addressed this
all the slum and blight.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all the poverty.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all the illegal aliens.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all the children who are struggling and who are illiterate.....the heights issue would have addressed this
all our property values in the tank.....the heights issue would have addressed this
convicted criminals expanding a business in our downtown.....the heights issue would have addressed this"

HOW,you incredible growth whore, HOW would these things have helped?
How has the LUCERNE bldg. helped that laundry list? How about the Gulfstream? How has the Eco Bldg next to city hall helped?
These Commissioners have no right to ignore an election. How dare these tyrants say our vote doesn't count? When they come begging for votes in the next election, they are going to be kicked out on their ASSES, no matter how much money they are collecting UNDER THE TABLE !!!!

Weetha Peebull said...

Our Precious Public Record.

Read who donated:

Read who got paid:

More got paid:

Banner 2.15.13