Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Who do you trust?

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Laurel said...

Oh, that's pithy. I trust her just fine with 30 bullets. She can keep them at home where her own kids can shoot themselves.

Anonymous said...

In your Post from 10/11/09 you were an advocate to "BAN ALL GUNS". When did you change your position?

Lynn Anderson said...

I don't advocate banning all guns. I believe that I said the solution to stop the gun violence would be to ban all guns. Guns get in the hands of the wrong people. I am against assault weapons.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's pithy. I trust her just fine with 30 bullets. She can keep them at home where her own kids can shoot themselves.

I don't know you, but I can safely say that you have no children of your own, shame on you!

Lynn Anderson said...

All you anti-gun people and your "pithy" crap--
Tell it to:
Virginia Tech, DeKalb Illinois, Oikos University, Columbine and Sandy Hook to name a f4ew. I would bet those teachers wished they had guns. Teachers should be allowed to protect themselves and their students in this violent world.

Laurel said...

Oh yes, shame on ME. Not the gun manufacturers who don't give a damn who they sell their weapons to and can't be bothered to help trace serial numbers when their guns are used in crimes.
Not the gutless wonders we have in congress. Not the NRA whose members must have access to assault weapons.
Oh no, shame on me!
Are the teacher's unions crying out to be armed????

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks, Laurel. :(