Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Susan Rice to be promoted

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Holy crap! People continue to get promoted in the Obama administration after they screw up.

In a major shakeup of President Obama’s foreign-policy inner circle, Tom Donilon, the national security adviser, is resigning and will be replaced by Susan E. Rice, the American ambassador to the United Nations, White House officials said on Tuesday.

The appointment, which Mr. Obama plans to make on today, puts Ms. Rice, 48, an outspoken diplomat and a close political ally, at the heart of the administration’s foreign-policy apparatus.

Read more... at the New York Times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Lynn, I agree with you. Why do we promote or allow these types of people to be in such high positions of power? I just do not agree with putting people like this in powerful positions who do not care, are not responsible, or are not respectfully of us and our environment and who take advantage of their power to have laws and rules overlooked for them. It is wrong. We have the same problem here in this city with some of our volunteer board members and comm. who think just because they volunteer or are elected, that rules, codes, or lack of responsibility(like keeping a boarded up blight building on our main street) or respect for others/neighbors can be overlooked or acceptable, we have too much mediocrity here in the country and this city with people like this. Why is it that it seems like the worst teacher becomes the principal, or the worst employee becomes the boss, always the worst or mediocre are the ones who seem to be promoted to top posts in all workplaces, it is no wonder we have all the problems in our society. Too many of the worst and mediocre get to the top too by kissing up too, it is not because they are good or effective, it almost never is. Very very sad Lynn! Thanks for continuing to share and champion such issues that more need to realize are critical for a better world.