Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Half the Country is Crazy

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Now we finally know what the problem is here in Lake Worth, in our state and especially in Washington, D.C. Half of the populous is CRAZY. No wonder certain politicians and political parties keep blaming it all on "the other guy"-- Benghazi, IRS, etc. Sort of reminds me of the excuses made to settle with the flim flam man or the excuses to allow more rentals to be developed in a city with 65% rentals already; crazed people would fall for all of that.

“With its expanding list of ‘mental disorders’ – voted into existence, not discovered as in real medicine – for each of these a psychiatric drug can be prescribed and insurance companies billed. That big formula spells big profits for psychiatrists and drug companies."  I have always thought that some psychiatrists might be conning us all.

Read about ,,, what the American Psychiatric Association said. Are they nuts?


Anonymous said...

They all post comments on that other blog, the one by Mr. Know It all who uses you to get hits from all those who are challenged.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lynn for a great blog and for caring about this city and living with passion. You and your blog are the best. I can't even imagine what you go through or see on your end running it---I am sure as you say many crazy people.

I know I never go to the other blog, just do not have respect for the owner or the attacks and mean things that have been said about Suzanne, Cara, you, and others. All very one sided and he never wants to publish something he disagrees with, too biased. A very negative and attacking person obviously by what you can see both in the blog and when he ran for comm, I am glad that one never won election to comm. in our city,we do not need anymore of those major egos.

I just wish all could just respect each person for posting and having their opinion whether using the anonymous or name here on the blog. We may all never agree, but just because I write something, doesn't mean someone else, neighbor or not has to attack you just because they have a different definition, no one is better than another and we all have a right to our opinion especially related to people running our city or blighting it. Just because someone runs a blog or contributes to it, no one here is likely an expert or "know it all." We all just need to realize that we all have our own views and like you say Lynn, we need to justify why we feel the way we do. I might be a smoker, gay, renter, illegal, unemployed, alcoholic, or have a jealous or possessive spouse, it doesn't matter who we are, others do not have to judge and attack just because someone else is not happy with how a city board member keeps his place blighted.

We all can have our opinions without constantly attacking someone just because they have a beef about something in this city, I know Lynn that you certainly bring up the issue of blight a lot or crime. We all have certain beefs with how things are done in this city or world and can certainly respond to the blog without feeling attacked because our definition is different than someone else's just because they want to use their real name or the anonymous button. Thanks Lynn for all you do!

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to write.I appreciate the thoughtful words. I realize that politics can bring out the worst in people but sometimes people take their hatred to an extreme and hide behind the "anonymous" identification. Even now, the Bully Blogger has featured my blog as his main topic by copying comments from those who have posted here. I should be so flattered that he needs to get his hit count up through denigration and personal attacks and using my blog to do it. LOL

Actually, I have more important things to do than to worry about those who spend their waking day bringing down those with whom they disagree with NO reasons other than it is sport.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I now realize that all of this is about insecurity, they are insecure and that is why they do what they do, think about it, they wouldn't need to otherwise. I find it odd as you said, "Even now, the Bully Blogger has featured my blog as his main topic by copying comments from those who have posted here. I should be so flattered that he needs to get his hit count up through denigration and personal attacks and using my blog to do it." It seems unethical or odd for someone to need to do this, but, you are the good person in all of this, we all have our right to our opinions whether we use Samuel Langhorne Clemens or Mark Twain when writing, everyone has a different comfort level with their writing and you offer that option on the blog. It is about our opinions and if we can support or justify our positions and WHY. Talk about the issues, not the individual person by attacking them. Lynn if any blog should win an award in this city it should be yours, not the other just based on the evil spirited attacks on so many people over the years, it is not a joke, we are not clowns, and some people just need to get help with or come to terms with their low self-esteem or insecurity levels. We need to focus on the issues, debate them, see all sides, and see how we can go about solving the problems at hand effectively to make this city and world a cleaner, safer, more orderly and peaceful place to live. Keep up the great work Lynn!

Lynn Anderson said...

Those who comment should direct their comments at the content and the message of the blog...debate the issue--I guess when there is anonymous posting allowed, it is too tempting to the bully.

You are allowed to have an opinion and allowed to express it on a public figure, public board, CRA, the commission, etc. Just try and keep it clean. Afterall, most of these people are your neighbors. With the exception of Loretta Sharpe who has no reservations of being non-diplomatic and a public figure herself, would you say the same thing to their face that you would on a blog comment? Think about that question when making a comment.