Monday, June 6, 2011

Crying Fowl or is it a Foul?

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This is a damn City, not farm land in Okeechobee.

We have two factions of political views in this city. Neither one understands the meaning of "no." Once again, another vocal group in this city wants its way and now is petitioning to have chickens in Lake Worth.

Next we can give up our lawn mowers and all that hot, sweaty work of mowing our brown lawns--get a goat. We could be a full-fledged farmland in a short time.

Can everyone please rise above this third world mentality? This is a city, not a farm. Read the article.


Lynn Anderson said...

This on-line petitioning crap started with The Cottage when it wanted its way about noise. It's all about using the same tactic that these despicable people used. By using it, they are putting themselves in the same category. To use a ruse such as this and pretend that a majority or a large number of people support the cause, is fraudulent. NO ONE wants chickens here other than a few open border people and green people who are using the system to get their way. I don't want to see any abuse of chickens.

Everyone write to your commissioner and say NO to any idea of Lake Worth supporting a ridiculous ordinance such as this.

P.M.M. said...

Don't forget to add the city manager Susan Stanton to that list. She is obviously in favor of this idea.

Lynn Anderson said...

Now P.M.M., why do you think what she said makes it obvious that she is in favor? Is that what you read into it?

"If it is done well, and the possible negative elements of live animals mitigated, it can be a very unique element of sustainable, smart development, just like urban community gardens," Stanton said.

She was asked a question and answered as diplomatically as she possible could. Stanton works for the Commission. It will be up to us to convince them that we do NOT want foul.

Anonymous said...

Too, don't forget that Cara Jennings already has chickens on her property, a friend of mine, Donny that live almost across the road from her told me she has chickens and can hear them and all, he is not bothered by it though. Some people like the idea and some don't, it is a mixed bag Lynn. I grew up on a farm up north and was used to the crowing and all, it down't bother me much, but do understand that this is a city and we do have rules of civility here that we need. Sometimes though I prefer hearing them crow then all the loud norteno music from the illegals here. It is a hard call, rules are rules, but not always for good reasons and fairness to all. Not allow gays to marry and receive all the same benefits as heteros doesn't seem fair and so I understand the fight and cause gays have in regard to that especially in a country that is supposed to have a separation of church and state issues, there really is an issue of equality here, more so than with the chickens even. I guess people who want chickens can always move out to the country like Wellington.

Anonymous said...

To bring up New York is a joke. Many parts of the city there are pig pens full of illegals.

Anonymous said...

This commission has done a lot to move us out of the downhill way we were going. Don't ruin it now by supporting chickens. This is all about illegals. Cara, take it out to Kansas where they have a lot of farms.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh people...wake up and smell the politics at work! The chicken issue is a diversionary tactic by a certain group who support Ms Waterman for mayor.
As Ms Waterman is surely supported (and coached) by Cara Jennings, and for a good majority of the voting public that connection is a negative, I'll hazard a guess that Ms Waterman will eventually come out saying she does not support the chicken issue....thereby distancing herself from Cara's crowd.
It's all a tactic that they're using for the election.

Anonymous said...

White, legal, highly civilized woman here . . . would love to have 2 or 3 chickens of my own. Especially since I got sick from eggs I bought at Publix this year.
More people than you think want to have them. They're pretty quiet, usually just some very low volume clucking.
Why do people want government to stay out of their business, but then want to have power over what I'm allowed to do? There are chickens all over my neighborhood, I've seen them when I walk. And I've asked people who live next door or across the street and they could not care less. Apparently there is very little impact on adjacent neighbors.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, we have laws and we have Ordinances for very good reasons.