Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Traffic pattern on 2nd Avenue North in Lake Worth to accommodate Publix

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Micro-surfacing is suggested by Joe Kroll for resurfacing 2nd Avenue N. This road will be a 2-way street, parking on the north side and a bike lane on the south side. The objective is to have 4 ways for ingress and egress for Publix as well as helping other businesses who were hurt by the original change...another thing that the CRA was not on top of back then. The Commission will ask the CRA if they will pay for this at tonight's meeting. Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you can blame the screwed up pattern of 2nd ave north on the CRA. It has been a one-way East bound for many many years. The fiasco was the streets from 3rd ave north to 9th ave north that Tom Ramiccio made one way for one block only, on the east and west side of Dixie Hwy., causing confusion and hardship on most Dixie Hwy. businesses, except, of course his drive-thru car wash.

Businesses back then gathered signatures on petitions, garnered support of most everybody to keep them two-way streets, but Tom was able to get three votes through arm-twisting.

Part of one of his "five point plans", sound familiar?

Finally, once it was obvious that the one-way streets for one block were un-workable, the next commission voted to spend half a million dollars to change them back to what we all wanted in the first place.

That money, to fix Tom's folly, was taken from the Beach Fund. And he wants to run for Mayor again?

What CRA decision are you speaking of?

Lynn Anderson said...

Perhaps not but it IS in their district. Bo Allen was the one who pushed this change...it was personal.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, you want the commission to take over the CRA because they should be responsible for it. But yet you blame them for a past commission's decisions.

In all of the planning discussions for the new Publix the fact that Second Ave. would revert to a two way street was brought up. It was pretty much going to need re-striping. If the road needs resurfacing due to deterioration how can that be blamed on the CRA?

Lynn Anderson said...

You really do have a problem with reading comprehension. Go somewhere else with your CRA Ra Ra cheers.