Sunday, May 2, 2010

Our Utility still in debate

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From TC Palm:
Lake Worth officials are considering getting out of the electric business like Vero Beach.
Lake Worth activist Jim Stafford, like Wilson and Heran, said he believes his community would be much better off if it went to FPL.

Well, that's the first I have heard that we are considering getting out of the electric business. I have to wonder why TC Palm, that operates in the Treasure Coast, did not contact William Coakley who IS an expert on our Utility.


lake worth dee mcnamara said...

Incompetent Commissions and Employees have caused us the loss of our Police and Fire Departments,which we pay taxes for!
Total lack of management and leadership and waived bidding corruption,illegal aliens invasion breaking our social services, caused economic losses and real estate value drops to 24% are a result of their tenure,you voted for!!!!!!. Next year even higher losses if the present Commission does not concentrate on our Electric energy generation and water supply Independence!
We have proof of incompetence of present Utility employees, with a $997.000 blown out transformer damage with the new Director,favored,allowed by the new CITY MANAGER SUSAN STANTON and her assistant, former janitor.
She fired our two longtime excellent certified electrical engineers,who would have prevented that. The City manager approves causing $1,000.000 damage toOUR ELECTRIC GENERATION SYTEM, TO HELP MATTE , new DIR. HAND OUR BILLION DOLLAR WORTH GENERATION TO HER FMPA BOARD (FREE), WHICH WILL GIVE HER and
HER JANITOR STANDING ON THE FMPA BOARD!And no management responsibility with negligence!
Fellow citizens help save our electric energy and water supply indpendence and prevent forcing us to buy the most expensive product on the open market. The new City manager is helping Mattey <new dir. to sell us down the river .Stop and fire these employees!2 Employees should not be in a position to give away our billion dollar energy production system.Give them away to FMPA!

Dee McNamara
Romano replaced one who caused $650.000 damage by negligence!
Dee McNamara!

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe TC Palm must have been confused about us getting out of the electric business with our decision to exit All Requirements with FMPA. Not sure though. Perhaps there is something going on behind the scenes for which we have no knowledge. This Utility has not been managed well to say the least. It is a big revenue source for our city. Our high rates have been attributed to FMPA which is not the cause of our problem--it is WASTE. Now that they fired our Director of Engineering for telling the truth along with a few other great employees there, we have little confidence in those protecting our interests. Uncover and fix the real problems at our Utility along with the Union benefits, will solve our financial problems in LW.