Friday, July 31, 2020

What a Crass Gross Liar Obama is

Obama Uses John Lewis Funeral for Political Bull

What a disgrace to get into political BS at a funeral. No class!

Without mentioning Donald Trump by name, Obama likened the president to segregationist Democrat Gov. George Wallace of Alabama, and compared federal law enforcement officers to the police who beat civil rights marchers across the South. He accused the government of “sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators.”

Read more about his crass remarks


Anonymous said...

I know! I feel the same way Lynn. I saw him speak briefly, I thought it was sinful and disrespectful of the dead. No class is right. Now I have lost all respect for obama. Too, he used a bible verse and tried to make Lewis out like he was God or something, they mentioned that on Fox and Friends this morning. I have never seen a funeral be so political, I am surprised the family of Lewis would allow such a spectacle. It really made obama look like a real ass. You ca now see how low obama really is too, no law and order, he never had any during his administration and there were more race riots and shootings back when he was president because of it all. Disgraceful!

Anonymous said...

Even the niece of MLK Jr spoke today on the news, Alveda, saying how awful it was what Obama did at the funeral. I hope more people are listening to her and can understand, reason, and logic, because Obama is completely off his rocker, he showed no respect for the dead yesterday. Shame on him!

Anonymous said...

Just imagine if Trump pulled a stunt like that.

Anonymous said...

Put the funeral of Regis Philbin on TV!

So tired of all these darn politicians! None are really heroes, they are all ignorant like these thugs g floyd and brooks, thugs!