Friday, June 8, 2018

Quote of the Day - Sean Hannity

"Maybe Mueller’s witnesses, I don’t know, if I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead.

Delete all your emails, and then acid wash the emails and hard drives on your phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer into little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards. And then take the pieces and hand it over to Robert Mueller and say, ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton, this is equal justice under the law'.”

~ Sean Hannity

This is sarcasm people...satire and parody. I have to explain that as some of you went bat chit crazy several years ago over a photo of the mayor burning. One astute resident was so upset that he called me a "terrorist" while speaking at the lectern. I reminded him of that the other night. There are some who never see humor in anything when it comes to politics. But then, I'm pretty serious about it myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the bullets with your opponent's names on them was in the same vein. People just don't think the same things are funny anymore.