Tuesday, June 4, 2013

La Joya Village

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The Electric Utility Advisory Board approved of this purchase so I guess it's ok?:

On tonight's agenda is for the commission to authorize a Purchase Order for three pad mount transformers from Gresco for a total cost of $31,005. The Purchase Order is for three Cooper Power 150k VA 3 -phase pad mount transformers to be used at the LaJoya Village development. The cost of $31,005 will be reimbursed by the developer.  When?

As I am totally against rentals on the railroad tracks and this project in general, it's nice that the city is so helpful and has gone out on a bid on behalf of the developers.


Anonymous said...

Your CRA in action.

$14 million of taxpayer funds spent on 6th Ave S and 10th Ave N to enable mixed use development has resulted in nothing but the closure of the one professional office on 10th Ave N, the Chiropractor.

Now they are enabling a rental developer to create a future slum to prove the $14 million was well spent.

Community Redevelopment Agencies are tools for developers and politicians to reward each other with taxpayer dollars with the taxpayer having no control over these slush funds.
The faster we eliminate ours, the better off our City and its residents will be.

Looking Good LW said...

I think it's a wonderful building. Helluva lot better than what was there. Isn't that what a CRA is supposed to do ... tear down old buildings and replace it with new ones? Looks like they're doing a great job to me.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, It seems to me that you are against ANY project, that will increase the Tax Base in the City... Or for that matter any Progress in the City.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, who are you?
Subsidized rentals on the railroad tracks will improve our city? That's your opinion. So let's not get snarky when mine is different.

Anonymous said...

This is a project that will be a project in a few years after built. Section 8. another Dunbar Village. thanks, commission. thanks all you pro P&Z members. you just keep getting better, rising Lake Worth from its terrible fate.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, sorry I missed the meeting, what is the supposed address or location where they want to build this La Joya Village?

Amen to this comment, "Community Redevelopment Agencies are tools for developers and politicians to reward each other with taxpayer dollars with the taxpayer having no control over these slush funds.
The faster we eliminate ours, the better off our City and its residents will be."

The CRA should be in place only until it has done its job and then be phased out or eliminated, but the ones running it want all this taxpayer money, why to line their pockets, they get rich, and we never see any major sustainable improvements in the so called, CRA District." It is a shame, the entire CRA, we are not seeing real results, in over 20 years now, we still have all the same blight and crime. It was a sin that they gave 1.2 million to build The Lucerne, that area wasn't even blighted. The CRA should be abolished period. The LW CRA is a huge embarrassment to our city, the elected officials need to abolish it and take it back under control.

Lynn Anderson said...

It's the old Pugh pool property on 6th Avenue South and the railroad tracks.

Anonymous said...

can't see where the cRA has done anything to improve our city as far as slum and blight.

Anonymous said...

To Anon at 3:14 pm I guess you do not realize that the CRA was instrumental in bring the Cultural Council into Lake Worth, among many other projects, that You do not want to give them credit for.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, I am rather sure that if anonymous at 3:14 is critical of the CRA they would be critical about the CRA and how it has spent its TIF money. The Cultural council with $750,000 taxpayer dollars is an example of an atrocious act. So was Publix at $500,000. The list goes on, anonymous at 9:17pm.