Friday, June 14, 2013

Flag Day

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Born in Philadelphia on June 14, 1777, the United States flag symbolizes the patriotic ideals of a nation "conceived in liberty" and admired around the world.

Before every meeting of the City Commission and various city boards, the meetings are lead off by saying the Pledge to the Flag.  Certain leaders know the importance of freedom, liberty and justice for all.  We all should understand how lucky we are and why we recite the Pledge--It is an action that symbolizes one's loyalty to the United States of America. It is knowing that as an American, you are proud to be a part of this great country.


Weetha Peebull said...

Thanks Lynn!

Patriotic Holidays

6.14 Flag Day
7.4 Independence Day
9.17 Constitution Day
12.5 Bill of Rights Day
1.17 - 23 Public Virtue Week
(Original Shop Local Concept?)

Lynn Anderson said...

I can't forget this day--it was the day I got married to my last husband. :)

Thanks, Weetha--for all the patriotic day reminders.

Mark A. Parrilla said...

From: []
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 8:49 AM
To: Pamela Lopez; Sandi DuBose
Subject: Re: Pledge of Allegiance on all board agendas

Hi Pam:

Thank you for the clarification The P & Z Board will not be saying the Pledge or anything else before our meetings and it should not be included on our Agenda.

John Rinaldi
Sabal Palm House Bed and Breakfast
109 N. Golfview Road
Lake Worth, FL 33460

This is the Chair of the P&Z's response to an email that simply asked that a place be added to all the volunteer board agendas for the Pledge of Allegiance for those who want to honor what our flag means to so many of us.

I believe he really overstepped his authority because who is he to speak for all of the members of this board? I also believe he broke sunshine because I received a copy of his reply and this issue will be coming before our board as an agenda item. At the last P&Z meeting when I brought it up again he trivialized my request by saying "...the last time I recited the Pledge of Allegiance was in elementary school". You can see and hear the comment for yourself on the video archive of the June 5, 2013 meeting toward the end under board member comments right after I recited the Pledge of Allegiance by myself. You can also view the May 1st meeting; forward to 1:10 to see the vehemant opposition he expresses when I first suggested we start our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mark Anthony Parrilla
Planning & Zoning Citizen at Large Member

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rinaldi, you are out of line and worse, I think you know it.

Lynn Anderson said...

It symbolizes FREEDOM...the very freedom one has to sit on a city board and allowed to be a part of the democratic process.

Anonymous said...

to all of you patriots where were you last night? about 25 people showed up at the flag day ceremony in bryant park. alot of talk but no walk.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, anonymous, why didn't you announce it. I didn't know about it but then we all can't be everywhere when something comes up that you want to rub our noses in. We would take away from all of your fun.

Anonymous said...

well its ironic lynn you seem to know every juicy tidbit. i guess city sponsored events are not your thing. especially if it puts the city in a bright light

Lynn Anderson said...

City sponsored event? Another stellar marketing performance from the city I see.

P.S. I rarely cover city sponsored events. Not my forte.

Anonymous said...

I am a proud American and fly my flag, but I don't say the pledge and don't think it should be forced on school children or citizens who attend meetings, same goes for prayers. One of the reasons I don't say the pledge is the "under god" language.

I'm glad I'm an American and I don't have to swear an oath or pledge fealty. Rather I have the freedom not to say the pledge.

There is no reason that the City, the boards, etc. should be taking up citizen's time with the Pledge. If John wants to say the pledge he can do so on his own time or at a private event.

Mark A. Parrilla said...

If the citizen's who go to municipal government meetings don't have 10 seconds to stand and recite or sit through the Pledge of Allegiance than that is really too bad because as of last night all volunteer boards will be required to place a spot on their agendas for the Pledge of Allegiance for those of us who want to express OUR RIGHT to recite it. NO ONE is forcing it on anyone! I have heard the pathetic excuse about the "under God" I know it may be a bit complicated for you to wrap your head around this concept but take a deep breath and stay with me... JUST DON'T SAY THE "UNDER GOD" part. That is what my aunt does who is an atheist.

I am very proud that this oversight which has gone on for WAY TOO LONG in our city has been corrected!!!

Pledgingly yours,
Mark Anthony Parrilla