Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Slowing America's Economy

Dems Admit COVID Rhetoric Backfired, Media Scrambles To Fix.

Could Cost Them Mid-Terms & Much MORE!

We will put up with a lot but we do not put up with a crappy economy.

The media knows this and now they are doing everything to get virtue signaling COVID shut in progressives out of the house because local economies need them. The media understands if the economy continues on this downward trend come the 2022 mid-terms Republicans could have a super majority that could override a veto.

Read what some have said

While at the Lake Worth Playhouse on Sunday, everyone wore a mask while entering; they no longer are taking everyone's temperature and while inside, no one wore a mask. The Playhouse has given up its mask policy unless one insists on still wearing one. All our businesses should follow suit.

I am the first to admit that it has changed my life as I no longer frequent businesses as I did before Covid because of the mask. We all will be estatic once our economy reopens.

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