Thursday, February 3, 2022

EXPOSED--23 Senators & Reps now lobbying for China

The 23 Senators & Reps Who Sold Us Out To China Identified

As time has gone on it has become abundantly clear that those very people we trusted to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States have failed to do so.

With the 'election' of Joe Biden there is now little doubt that our government has been bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party.

In order to pull this off the CCP needed to compromise members of our government. So, who are these individuals who chose to sell our our children's birthrights for their 30 pieces of silver?

Read more about it and see the list... that was revealed in Peter Schweizer’s latest investigative exposé, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, most of whom are lobbyists and/or former Republicans in our government.

Schweizer calls for a ban on lobbying on behalf of Chinese military and intelligence-linked companies.

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