Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Laura Loomer schools Joe Biden


Anonymous said...

She should do something with her hair. Looks like she's wearing a burka!

Lynn Anderson said...

Her hair is fine but that is the least of anything conservatives should be worried about.
She is doing her best going after Sleepy and the other fools.

Anonymous said...

She's anathema to the Republican Party. Not everybody is part of a fringe group. Loomer is capital Fringe. You should go back and review her showing in the last election. I don't know why you want to support this looser. It robs you of your credibility!

Lynn Anderson said...

Must be RG posting

Anonymous said...

What a disgusting woman. She also hates Jews. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

I know she's Jewish, but she only likes some Jews. This I can tell you: A lot of Jews don't like her.

She is disgusting, ditto to that! You show a side of yourself that is downright frightening, through your fanatical support of this nut case.

Lynn Anderson said...

YOU are the one who is frightening. Take a hike