Monday, June 3, 2024

A Bundle of Kooks

Libertarian Party

Better late than never I guess, especially when it comes to running for president.

There’s a new face in the 2024 presidential race. Meet Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party’s freshly minted nominee. In a whirlwind of elimination votes and fervent debates at the party’s national convention in Washington, Oliver emerged victorious, beating out nine other hopefuls, including a last-minute bid by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

For those who need a refresher, Chase Oliver is no stranger to the political arena. This openly gay former Democrat made waves in 2022 when he pushed a U.S. Senate race in Georgia to a runoff—a feat that put him on the political map. Now, he’s set his sights on the highest office in the land, armed with a platform of radical freedom and limited government intervention.

They’re calling for the dismantling of regulatory bodies, with some even advocating for the abolition of behemoths like the IRS and FBI. They also stand firmly behind the legalization of drugs and prostitution, the embrace of cryptocurrency, and the opposition to tariffs and foreign military expenditure. Not to mention their vocal support for Julian Assange’s release from UK detention.


Anonymous said...

The Libertarian Party may not be your cup of tea, but there is no question that the 2-party system is not healthy for the country.

Most people hate both of the parties, but don't feel like they have any other choice.

Registering NPA is not ideal, as we have closed primaries down here in Florida.

You can't possibly think that the two candidates we have to choose from at this juncture, are the best choices for our Country.

Biden is an old fool, who has done nothing but live off of us for most of his lifetime, and Trump is erratic, and can be spiteful and looking for revenge. Trump is also old. Just because he seems able to move easily from one sentence to another, doesn't give him the God-like powers he professes to have.

We're on thin ice in this country right now. Everybody hates us, and it wouldn't take much to plunge us into a war with China, Russia, or perhaps both of them.

I'm voting for RFK, Jr.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:32...there are a lot of fools out here. Kennedy’s menu of fringe beliefs won’t make a winning candidacy and you will be wasting your vote.

Anonymous said...

I didn't believe in the virus either, and to this day, I think it was a boondoggle. Unfortunately, many people took it seriously, and took, advantage of an opportunity to stay home from work.

Years later, they still can't get everybody back to work. It was the end of the country as we knew it.

People are basically stupid. Not much different than cows, although, cows provide a useful purpose, which people do not.

No matter who I vote for, I will waste my vote, so it's, my vote, my choice. How long will that even last.