Tuesday, March 12, 2019

James O'Keefe of Project Veritas

American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times
Published on Feb 11, 2019
For James O’Keefe, the American system of government depends on an informed citizenry. It’s the responsibility of journalists to get out the facts. He sees many contemporary media as having deviated from this responsibility, focusing instead on providing opinion, and plenty of it, often without transparency.

In his quest for truth-telling, O’Keefe founded #ProjectVeritas, which equips reporters with hidden cameras to conduct undercover investigations. His videos, exposing crime and corruption inside government (i.e., deep state) and government-funded organizations, have undeniably had an impact, but have also led to repeated personal attacks, lawsuits and an arrest. In my interview with him, O’Keefe tells us why he believes the public’s right to know justifies his controversial methods, and why it’s worth the risk.

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