Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Jill Biden loyal to stepson who called her a "C*nt at one time

Jill Biden draining taxpayer funds for extensive travel

First lady Jill Biden has been CAUGHT red-handed.

If you follow Mrs. Biden's comings and goings, you know how often she loves to pretend to be the all-American mother.

She loves to paint a picture of standing by her children, no matter what.

In true Jill Biden fashion, the first lady flew from France to Delaware to make it to her stepson, Hunter Biden’s, trial.

We need a family in the White House who understands their decisions DO affect the people of this country.

Americans are struggling to feed their families and keep a roof above their heads right now thanks to the BIDEN economy, all while Jill travels first-class to France.

America cannot afford another four years of careless actions from the Biden family and administration.

Read about Jill...

There has been so much negative publicity regarding Jill's travel that the Democratic National Committee will reimburse the value of the first-class tickets for the trips she made so that she could appear before the jury and intimidate them at the Hunter trial.


Anonymous said...

She was part of the steal, so desperate to be first lady, she is as evil as all the other bidens, nothing better about that evil slave.

Anonymous said...

Why should we have to pay for this? First of all, there was no reason for her to be at the D Day commemoration, and if she was so concerned about her stepson, she should have stayed home.

I am glad the DNC is going to reimburse us for the plane tickets.

If that were my son, I would have disowned him. Chances are he will relapse anyway.

She really is a nobody! She will never be remembered, like Barbara Bush, and some other notable First Ladies.

Just another Fakir!