Saturday, January 9, 2021

Gov. Ron DeSantis pushes anti-riot bill following Capitol violence

And Omari Hardy still says he's the sharpest knife in the drawer!

Florida Republicans push rioting bill in wake of Capitol violence

If someone were to vandalize a monument, they would have to pay the cost of repairing any damage they caused and could face up to ten years in prison.

"We think people have a right to assemble. They do not have the right to destroy property and brutalize police. We're not going to allow that without some sanctions,” said Senator Doug Broxson.

Click here to read bill

Omari Hardy had to run his mouth again: "State Rep. Omari Hardy, a Mangonia Park Democrat, said the bill is nothing more than DeSantis’ trying to court Trump supporters as he eyes a 2024 bid for the White House.

“When I decided to run, I thought I would fight bad legislation that is fundamentally un-American, but this thing is not only unconstitutional, but just clearly signals [DeSantis'] ambition to run for president,” Hardy said in an interview. “This is just more stupidity from people who should know better.”


Anonymous said...

and omari is not campaigning for his next step up.the racist

Lynn Anderson said...

Omari just got inaugurated as a state rep and has his eye on Congress.

Anonymous said...

Omari needs to get a taste of his own medicine. Total swamp scum.