Sunday, May 31, 2020

Anarchists Walking on I-95

George Floyd protesters move off I-95, but highway not officially reopened yet

A few hours ago, we got ALERTS on our cell phones as well as on all television stations--I-95 had been closed from Palm Beach Lakes Blvd to Southern Boulevard.


Protesters were walking down the highway blocking all 5 lanes of traffic.

Read about the anarchists who possibly are on their way to Mar-A-Lago?

No Pay for Proxy Voting Act

Republicans Announce Plan To Strip Pay from Lawmakers Who Vote by Proxy

“Outsourcing the duty of a member of Congress is unconstitutional and wrong. House members should not be allowed to send someone else to do their jobs for them.”

~ Rep Ted Budd (NC)

Read about the No Pay for Proxy Voting Act

Biden the Denier

Biden Denies Existence of Voter Fraud

Biden scoffed at the idea of voter fraud

This shows what a phony out-of-touch guy he is and how desperate he wants to win this election by any means available. Think of Voter Fraud as shoplifting; no one sees it but it happens and is prevalent, enough to turn an election.

Read about creepy Joe

Pissant Oligarchies

California: Massive unconstitutional gun confiscation and army of 20,000 “coronavirus detectives” to track and isolate ‘suspects’

"It is this rapid erosion of constitutional protections at the state and local level and the accelerated ride down that slippery slope that is most alarming. The assclowns at those levels are being allowed to do whatever they want. It is frightening, to say the least. I have been the victim of state and local governments selectively enforcing obscure laws to punish those who do not bow before the altar of their authority, especially at the local level. “Pissant oligarchies,” I call them."

Read the rest... of Thomas Madison's article.

Oregon registered a Non-Citizen to vote

Non-U.S. citizen reveals she was automatically registered to vote

'I don't know why there's this blind belief that it cannot happen'

Blind belief?--only by Democrats.

This woman is a non-citizen who is married to a U.S. citizen. Why has she not applied for a Green Card and tried to become a citizen? It's a curious story but one showing there is voter fraud.


George Floyd PROTEST in Lake Worth (Beach)

Group of protesters gather in Lake Worth Beach, 2 people attempt to burn American flag

"A group gathered Saturday afternoon at Lake Worth Beach City Hall to protest the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police.

During the protest, two people pulled the American flag from the flagpole, tore it, and attempted to ignite it in front of the CVS near City Hall.

Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office deputies retrieved the destroyed flag and will dispose of it with a proper burial. Why didn't those who stole our flag and then burn it get arrested?

The crowd departed City Hall, moved down Lake Avenue, then traveled to Bryant Park." [WPTVChannel 5]

What was advertised as a "vigil" for George Floyd, is mentioned in the WPTV article as a "protest." I can't understand the mayor lending her name to such an event but can certainly understand Mark Parrilla as being a part of a protest.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz

The governor made his plea. It's too bad they did not listen to him last night and they are expected to gather again tonight.

He said today that he will move to "fully mobilize the National Guard" and says demonstrations are "no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd."

Someone Baker Act Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin Tells Jim Acosta How to Kill President Trump, Twitter finally suspends her

Awh gee, two of the most repulsive people around! But it's basically all Democrats who salivate when degenerates such as Griffin attack our president. They really "get off" on it.

Later she told off another reporter with the Washington Examiner after he reported her comment to Twitter of using a Syringe with nothing but air to stab/kill the President. Twitter said that "they would look into it."

Her response, “Go f**k yourself. Do you wanna tussle with me, you f**king amateur?”


Remembering George Floyd

Vigil in response to George Floyd's death this weekend

Tonight, Lake Worth Beach residents will take to the streets for a vigil and march in response to Floyd’s death.

Read about it...

AG Barr on the Job

U.S. charges North Koreans in $2.5 billion sanctions-busting scheme

The Justice Department has accused a network of North Korean and Chinese citizens of secretly advancing North Korea’s nuclear weapons program by channeling at least $2.5 billion in illicit payments through hundreds of front companies. The indictment, unsealed Thursday in Washington’s federal court, is believed to be the largest criminal enforcement action ever brought against North Korea.

Read about it..

Lori Lightfoot, Chicago's Mayor and her big mouth

Foul-Mouthed Chicago Mayor to Trump: “F-U”

Lori Lightfoot, Chicago’s foul-mouthed, anti-Christian mayor, delivered a profane message President Trump. “I will code what I really want to say to Donald Trump,” she told media. “It’s two words. It begins with F and it ends with U.”

Read about this woman...

"I can not breathe"

As George Floyd Video Makes MSM Headlines, Clip of Black Cop Violently Choking Young Man Nowhere To Be Seen

As of Thursday afternoon, articles about Floyd and the protests following his death dominate the front pages of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Despite the apparent concern over police brutality and its effects on communities, each of these establishment media heavyweights has so far failed to cover a viral video out of Mississippi seemingly showing an extremely aggressive Black cop choking the crap out of a suspect.

Read about brutal cop in Mississippi

Platform or Publisher?

Matt Gaetz Drafting Bill To Stop Big Tech Companies From Instituting Biased ‘Fact Checking’ On Their Platforms

Gaetz is drafting a bill to crack down on these biased “fact-checks” by Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter. These organizations would then face the removal of their immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

They don't get protection if they are editorializing and that's what Twitter just did to Trump.


Twitter continues to Harass the President

Twitter is continuing with its interference of the free speech of President Trump. Twitter didn't like these tweets!

Twitter places warning on Trump post, saying tweet glorifies violence

Hell in Minneapolis

This is Ilhan Omar's District, an American city! And now after three days, they call out the national guard. They allowed the criminals to ruin a city. Amazing what happens in liberal cities.

Barbaric Animals Attack Disabled Woman in Wheelchair While Looting Store in Minneapolis

There were even some last night that were fighting each other and not fighting against police.

In one incident, a black woman who was looting the Target in Minneapolis – over police brutality mind you – attacked a white disabled woman in a wheelchair.

The woman was blocking the doorway to try and stop looting and the looter came up behind her and started beating her in the head.

Read and see the video

Idiot Attempts to tie Mike Pence to Racism

Editor seemingly ties VP Mike Pence to 'white supremacists' for eating near thin blue line flag. It doesn't go well.

Liberals and a lot of the press want to find fault with just about everything a Republican might is out of control in our country.

Read what Gady Epstein, the China Affairs Editor for The Economist had to say, who seemingly attempted to tie Vice President Mike Pence to "white supremacists." The local news station ran this which was a factual  rendition of what happened when Vice President Pence was having lunch with Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia's first lady, Marty Kemp.

Former Nevada's AG gives accounting on mail-in ballots

Ex-Nevada AG Tells of Ballots ‘Piled up in Apartments and Trash Cans and in Hallways’ Because of Mail-in Voting

"During an interview with Tucker Carlson former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt said that President Trump’s concerns about mail in voting are not unfounded and that he expects voter fraud in his state to increase as a result."

Read about it...

North Korea's Cruel and Oppressive Government

Kim Jong-un cruelty: Shocking details emerge of punishment for family who tried to flee

"NORTH KOREAN authorities tortured then executed via firing squad a family that tried to escape the brutal regime earlier this month."

We should castigate and apply huge penalties to all tyrannical regimes.

Read about this atrocity

Obama is a Bad Guy

Barack Hussein, “Master of the Cesspool.” It is time to indict for treason and sedition. There is ample evidence!

"Has there been any other president in American history who would have gotten away with giving the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror $150 billion to kill even more innocent people, including and especially Americans (Iran has declared that the United States is its #1 enemy)?" This is one example of his treason before Trump became President. The biggest, of course, is the Russiagate hoax and all that was involved to unseat a new president and our Republic.

Read about it...

Scary Joe Biden

“I’m prepared to say that I have a record of over 40 years,” Biden said. “And that I’m going to beat Joe Biden. Look at my record. The fact is that some areas that I think, for example, I think health care is a right, not a privilege. I do not support ‘Medicare for all.’ I will not support ‘Medicare for all.’ But I do support making sure that Obamacare is around as a public option.”

Live Satellite Space X Launch

LAUNCH JUST SCRUBBED due to weather. Rescheduled to Saturday.

Lake Worth (Beach) is broke

Blaming it on added expenses because of the coronavirus (according to the city manager), the entire commission voted to borrow $10 to $20 million to keep the city afloat.

The reasons to borrow:
(a) The City faces an unprecedented and temporary strain on its finances due to the financial impacts of the COVID -19 pandemic.
(b) It is vital to the citizens of the City that basic city services continue to be provided.
(c) The City desires to incur short-term Obligations to continue to fund essential City services as a “Project” vital to the needs of citizens of the City.

Commissioner Hardy interjected BS politics into the meeting when he said, that like businesses and individuals, state and local governments are in fierce need of their own stimulus. He criticized Florida Sen. Rick Scott for “politicizing” requests from states seeking federal help for coronavirus relief. "The U.S. House of Representatives passed a $3 trillion aid package on May 15 to help state and local governments, but its been dismissed by the Republican-controlled Senate," he said.

Then the Palm Beach Post thought it was a good idea to mention the political party of a few of our commissioners even though this is supposed to be a non-partisan commission. Of course, we know it isn't...not with Robinson and especially Hardy on the dais. But then there is Maxwell who approves of spending and spending more and more and getting us deeper in debt which is not a Republican trait.

Read about it...

Let's figure out how to cut spending instead of more debt. And please explain how we will pay this money back.

Screwed up Stacey

Stacey Abrams Takes a Swing at White Voters and Shows Sympathy for Non-Citizens

“No Longer Able to Elect Anyone Who Represents Them”

"I still can’t even figure out why Stacey Abrams is relevant in any conversation unless we’re talking about loser Democrats.

The only reason why she’s even a name that we know about is that she lost a gubernatorial election in Georgia and refused to acknowledge that she lost. That’s really it."

And after losing the governor's race in Georgia, she says she is capable of being the President of the United States. Seriously. That's what she said.

Read more and see the video

AOC continues to Support Ilegal Aliens

AOC Says Illegal Aliens ‘Afraid To Go To Doctor’ Because Of Trump

They are concerned that ICE will pick them up in the E.R

half-pint GLOWWORM says--
"Absolutely! Trump had nothing to do with THEIR decision to ignore settled, established law and come here in the first place. And, when you do that, you do tend to look over your shoulder all the time bc you know you are at risk of being found out. THAT, MS. AOC, has nothing to do w/Trump, even though most of Trump's predecessors let it go. And we are tired of it."

You bet we're tired of it.

The Deep State and Globalism

A history lesson from Madame Defarge on Memorial Day and how it relates to the Deep State’s impact today

"The division we have today has shown the deep divide the socialist political operatives have created to accentuate their own power and standing. The divides of the past were just as deep.

We certainly now need a united effort to save our republic and its ideals. We have weathered far worse but this time is troubling nonetheless." [PowderedWigSociety]

Here are a few examples we were able to survive but these existed in different times

Covid-19 Testing Lake Worth (Beach)

Lake Worth Beach COVID-19
Tests Available May 27 & 29:

New Lake Worth Beach Pop-Up Testing Centers

Wed May 27 Time: 11:30am-2:30pm Location: 2000 North D Street, 33460

Fri May 29 Time: 11:30am-2:30pm Location: HATCH1121 located at 1121 Lucerne Ave

Covid-19 -

The CDC just confirmed a .2% death-rate for COVID-19, primarily comorbid elderly.

For that, we have:
* Added nearly 6 trillion to national debt
* Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers
* Placed 60 million on food stamps
* Gone from 5% to 13% unemployment
* Crippled the petroleum industry
* Ruined the tourism industry
* Bankrupted the service industry
* Caused an impending meat and protein crisis
* Threatened, fined, and arrested church leaders
* Exacerbated mental health problems
* Shut down schools and colleges
* Given unbridled power to unelected officials
* Increased suicides higher than COVID deaths
* Delayed surgeries and treatments for profound illnesses
* Infringed upon countless important civil liberties
* Placed 300 million Americans on house arrest

These consequences are largely due to two things:

The first is our view of government as a god that can control Providence and plagues. In our hubris, we increasingly view the government as a deity who can stop acts of nature.

The second is our sniveling, 21st-century commitment to safety. Our desire to be “safe” ruined our fiscal, physical, medical, food, energy, and national security.

Unfortunately there is no vaccine for cultural fragility.

~JD Hall

Food Stamp Fraud

Shopper Sees Nasty Thing Woman Does In Walmart Parking Lot And Starts Recording

According to a 2019 report produced by the Government and Accountability Office (GAO), at least $1 billion in food stamp benefits are “trafficked annually,” meaning they are fraudulently used. The extent of the fraud is uncertain, the GAO warns, estimating the abuse of the program could be as high as $4.7 billion.
Food stamp fraud happens every day. We see people driving Mercedes autos using their SNAP cards. "This lawyer in New York was purchasing items at his local grocery store when he encountered a Muslim woman buying a huge cart full of soda using her food stamp card.

From her conversation, he quickly learned that the soda wasn’t for her or her family, however, but was being purchased with food stamps so she could then re-sell at her convenience store.

When he confronts her in the parking lot to tell her she is stealing money from taxpayers, she instantly goes into a violent foul-mouthed rage where she tells Americans exactly what she thinks of them." []

Voter Fraud and Ballot Harvesting

Democratic Philly Elections Judge Pleads Guilty to Stuffing Ballot Boxes for Bribes

Democrats are always saying Trump is in fantasy land when he talks about voter fraud.

Domenick J. DeMuro, a former judge of elections and Democratic committeeman in Philadelphia, took thousands of dollars from a political consultant to cast fraudulent ballots and certify phony returns, according to the indictment. Think of all the similar situation/cases across the country where people have not been caught.

Commissioner Mack Bernard and Rep. Al Jacquet, both Democrats, were exposed for knocking on voters doors and helping them fill out their ballots and then offering to mail it in for them--ballot harvesting--and nothing happened to them.

A type of voter fraud, and there are many examples, is
FRAUDULENT USE OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.

Formerly known as absentee voting, you can now vote from the comfort of your own home.
How it works
1. A voter requests a ballot - by phone, online, in person or by mail.
2. Elections office mails the ballot.
3. The voter fills it out, seals it, then mails it or drops it off at the elections office.
What could go wrong
No guarantee you can vote secretly -- No protection from politicking, either.
Little security -- No picture ID to request a ballot by mail, easier for others to vote on your behalf.
It’s out of your hands -- Candidates and campaign workers routinely deliver ballots to the elections office. [PBPost]
Read about it...

Nathaniel Brazill - Twenty Years Later

Nathaniel Brazill shot his teacher to death 20 years ago today

It's like it was yesterday when this 13 year old stole his grandfather's gun and bullets and went back to Lake Worth Middle School near the end of the school day. He pointed a gun at teacher Barry Grunow. Grunow asked him to put the gun down. Instead he shot him in the face...dead.

The article points out all of his excuses:  “Twenty years ago, I was a 13-year-old kid recognized by law as being too immature and too irresponsible to drive a car, get married, join the military, sign a contract, see a rated ‘R’ movie, or vote,” Brazill wrote from prison. No remorse?

He ended up getting a 28 year sentence for cold blooded murder and he has been bitching about the sentence ever since.

Read about it...

What the Hell is wrong with the New York Times?

New York Times Targets US Military with 'White Supremacy' Accusations on Memorial Day Weekend

Hit pieces are the norm at the NYT but on Memorial Day weekend too? Now it's beyond President Trump and the normal (if any can be "normal") left-wing crazy opinion pieces.

The paper decided to do a disgusting fake news hit piece on our nation’s military, pandering for the Black vote by interjecting racism.

Read about it...

Pennsylvania Re-opening in spite of Governor's order

Dem Gov Calls People Losing Their Businesses ‘Cowardly’ & Issues A Sinister Threat To Defiant Counties

"Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Tom Wolf had a really bad weekend not only did 12 counties inform him that they are going to move into his yellow phase before he gives the order but, reports are coming out that 65% off the death toll in his state was a result of his nursing home policy."

He threatened businesses and counties who don't comply by withholding funds for pandemic for defying his order.

Read about it...

And this woman is a possible Biden VP choice?

Sen. Harris introduces resolution declaring name 'Wuhan virus' as 'anti-Asian'

In answer to her ridiculous resolution--

James Woods ✔ @RealJamesWoods Dear Kamala Harris, we call it the #WuhanCoronaVirus because that’s where it started. Just like we call call you #HeelsUpHarris, because that’s where YOU started. Oh, and then, of course, there’s that pesky little ditty called the First Amendment. #Nitwit …

Read more about Kamala

Joe Biden acts tough

Joe Biden Calls Out Amazon. Amazon Torches Him In Statement

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: No company pulling in billions of dollars in profits should pay a lower tax rate than firefighters and teachers,” Biden tweeted. “It’s time for Amazon to pay its fair share. I don’t think any company, I don’t give a damn how big they are, the Lord almighty, should absolutely be in a position where they pay no tax and make billions and billions and billions of dollars.

On the surface I have to agree with this.

Amazon responded: “Joe Biden, We pay every cent owed. You spent 3 decades in the Senate & know that Congress wrote these tax laws to encourage companies to invest in the US economy. We have. 500k jobs w/ a min wage of $15/hr across 40 states. Assume your complaint is w/ the tax code, not Amazon.”

And that's the other side of the coin.

Draining the Swamp

President Trump Calls the Deep State Out By Name in Rousing Statement

“When you look at what Richard Grenell has done in eight weeks, these people didn’t do anything for two and a half years. They should have been exposing this. So I’m very disappointed in certain people. And some people have done a phenomenal job, but what am I doing? I’m fighting the deep state. I’m fighting the swamp. And I said I was doing it. And I’m exposing the swamp. I think if it keeps going the way I’m going, and Ratcliffe is fantastic.

“If it keeps going the way it’s going, I have a chance to break the deep state. It’s a vicious group of people. It’s very bad for our country. And that’s never happened before

~ President Donald J. Trump

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Trump's new Director of National Intelligence

Trump Appoints New Cabinet Member Who Scares The Bejeezus Out of Dems

The Senate on Thursday voted to confirm Rep. John Ratcliffe as the next Director of National Intelligence.

Ratcliffe, R-Texas, was approved on a 49-44 vote. The installment comes as the intelligence community once again finds itself in the middle of a political firestorm, over whether Trump associates were improperly “unmasked” in intelligence reports during the latter days of the Obama administration.


Shifty Schiff pulls another one!

Schiff’s Evil Has No Bounds, His Latest Stunt Is Borderline Sedition

Shifty Schiff has concerned about staffing changes in the National Intelligence agency so he wrote a letter to the Acting Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Richard Grenell. But the creep gave his letter to the press before Grenell even received it.

Shifty can have all the concerns he wants but it's none of his business.

Read about Shifty Schiff and read his letter.

Government Misconduct being Investigated

Director Wray Orders FBI Investigation Into Crooked Handling Of Michael Flynn

Hunt will be on for misconduct by bureau employees

"The FBI will investigate its own investigation of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who for a time was President Trump's national security adviser, FBI chief Christopher Wray confirmed on Friday."

Read about it...

Governor Ron DeSantis Destroys the Media

As of May 22, Lake Worth (Beach) had 275 reported cases.

Amy Klobuchar is full of It!

Amy Klobuchar admits Hydroxychloroquine saved her husband’s life

"In March, Senator Amy Klobuchar’s husband became severely ill with the Chinese virus, now being referred to as Kung Flu because, you know, saying “Chinese virus” is illegal. Mr. Klobuchar was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and a high fever and was coughing up blood. A very sick dude.

After five days, Klobuchar left the hospital completely cured, no symptoms whatsoever, the perfect picture of health." [PowderedWigSociety]

Read more... about this phony POS who never would admit her husband took hydroxychloroquine.

China Threatens Retaliation aginst U.S. for something they did!

Chinese State Media Warn Country Will Interfere in U.S. Election

China is threatening to meddle in the upcoming U.S. presidential election as retribution for a flurry of American lawsuits seeking to hold Beijing accountable for the spread of the coronavirus.

The Communist Party "won't just strike back symbolically, but will impose countermeasures that will make them feel pain," according to the Global Times, an outlet controlled by the regime.


President's letter to WHO

Trump is right to hold WHO accountable

"The centerpiece of the letter is its reporting of what China and the WHO knew and did not do in the days and weeks before the virus became a truly global pandemic.

And by the time you finally declared the virus a pandemic on March 11, 2020, it had killed more than 4,000 people and infected more than 100,000 people in at least 114 countries around the world." [WashingtonExaminer]

Letter to WHO

Commissioner Hardy - Being late is SOP

Commissioner Hardy

Do as I say, not as I do--late to meetings...late in paying his own utility bills...utilities cut-off in the past...late in filing a statement of financial interest...State filed an ethics complaint...did not file a campaign treasurer's report due on March 10...wage garnishment in the past...

Hardy is just "late." But only checking his PO Box once a month when he's running for office is strange indeed. Does he really live here? 

Read the article... [Lake Worth Herald]

Two W(B)itches from Minnesota

Ilhan Omar's Daughter Calls US Soldiers the B-Word, Then Accuses Them of Horrendous Act

Ilhan's daughter is just as bad as she is...a 17 year old punk who hates America and posts on a Chinese communist site called TikTok, a Chinese-owned social media platform.

In 2019, media outlets cited TikTok as the 7th-most-downloaded mobile app of the decade, from 2010 to 2019. It was also the most-downloaded app on the App Store in 2018 and 2019.[Wikipedia]

The daughter of Congresswoman @IlhanMN - calls American soldiers “bitches” and accuses them of “furthering American imperialism” and “actively killing innocent children abroad.”

Read about it...


And this was sort of when he was in his right mind--

Ukrainian Judge: Biden Must Be Named Accused Perpetrator of A Crime In Shokin Firing

In Kiev late last month, District Court Judge S. V. Vovk ordered the country’s law enforcement services to formally list the fired prosecutor, Victor Shokin, as the victim of an alleged crime by the former U.S. vice president, according to an official English translation of the ruling obtained by Just the News.


Brightline Suspends Service in South Florida

Brightline suspends South Florida train service for months

The Brightline has announced that they will be suspending operations between Miami and West Palm Beach “for the coming months” because of the coronavirus pandemic. Construction on the West Palm Beach to Orlando route will continue. Work is also moving forward on adding two stations in Miami-Dade County and one in Boca Raton. [850WFTL]

Free Testing in Lake Worth (Beach)

Lake Worth Beach gets much-needed testing site

"The free testing will take place Friday at the Osborne Community Center at 1699 Wingfield Street and will run from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., the city announced Thursday. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue will operate the site.

Those wishing to be tested do not need an appointment. City spokesman Ben Kerr said around 50 people an hour will be tested."

Read about it...

It's time for another freeze according to NASA

Climate Changed Debunked Once Again…NASA Scientists Panic About Global Freezing

"Are we ever going to end this bogus climate change myth? It's been going on for over 100 years at least and guess what? We're still not extinct, nor are we close to it or close to destroying the planet."

Read about it...

Joe Scarborough

Video Resurfaces of Joe Scarborough Joking About Affair With Intern and Killing Her

Two months after the intern died in 2001, Scarborough, a Republican then resigned from Congress five months into his 4th term giving the normal reason of wanting to devote more time to his family.  He is now on his 3rd wife. In 2017 he changed his party affiliation to Independent. You would never know it by watching his show on the fake news channel MSNBC...he and his wife Mika are the biggest Trump haters around.

Read this shocking account! Would a normal person joke about killing someone?

Seattle has asked the state to give it $100 millon for illegal aliens

You won't see barbed wired when you cross the border in Washington state. The entire illegal populous of the world is welcomed there and now they want to give even more benefits to these criminals.

LIBERAL UTOPIA: Seattle Council, on a 9/0 vote, Ask State to ‘Create $100M Virus Fund’ for Illegal Immigrants

"The measure urges Inslee and the Legislature to create a ‘Washington Worker Relief Fund,’ with an initial allocation of at least $100 million, ‘to provide emergency economic assistance to undocumented Washingtonians."

Read about it...

Seattle can't pay it's bills even before coronavirus and had a $1.5 billion financial hole and earned a D grade in its financial condition. Seattle ranks 44 out of 75 of the largest U.S. cities for its fiscal health. Washington State is a Sanctuary state.

Lake Worth Special Meeting tonight--Financing Scheme

Special City Commission Meeting tonight

The League of Cities did a survey and found that 96% of cities are seeing budget shortfalls due to unanticipated revenue declines, which are a result of lost revenue sources from services such as permitting fees, utility fees and sales taxes. Lake Worth is no exception. We just had a dust-up that went viral a few months ago about customers not paying Lake Worth Utilities.

So, the commission will vote to consider a financing plan to provide for the temporary funding of reserves for cash flow deficits brought on by the financial impact upon the City of the COVID-19 pandemic.


(a) The City faces an unprecedented and temporary strain on its finances due to the financial impacts of the COVID -19 pandemic.
(b) It is vital to the citizens of the City that basic city services continue to be provided.
(c) The City desires to incur short-term Obligations to continue to fund essential City services as a “Project” vital to the needs of citizens of the City.

In the explanation, the City says:

Dependent on the borrowing process, the principle being considered is between $10 to $20 million thereby providing opportunity to fund capital projects. The annual debt service, interest payment, for each $10 million at 3% is $300,000, which will be allocated between each fund based on its use of proceeds. Additionally, I would recommend creating a sinking fund if the debt is structured with a balloon payment. This would equal $1million per year also allocated by fund.

Directly following this meeting, a workshop has been called to discuss vacation rentals, business licenses, and an update of the Independence Day celebration.

Benny's on the Beach Leases at the Lake Worth beach


1.  Impact of Covid-19
Starting on June 1, if there are still Covid restrictions in place on their indoor occupancy, what's proposed is a 50% abatement and a 50% deferral. The base rent of half the rent of $20,000 a month, will continue to be deferred if restrictions are still in place until November 1 or when restrictions are lifted, whichever comes first. Benny's will have one year to pay back the deferred rent.

2.  Infectious diseases as they may occur in the future
As of November 1, if there are govt restrictions on infectious disease that restricts the tenants use of its occupancy the city will go into a deferral situation. This will last until restrictions are lifted or one year.

3.  Benny's waived the abatement on the pier closure.

The vote was 4/1 with commissioner Robinson dissenting. Robinson wanted the City to be fair to all of our tenants at the beach, not just one with favorable status with the city. He emphasized that there should be a policy for all our tenants and be fair to all. The city attorney said that the leases are all different and the others have no abatement provision.


4.  Benny's on the Beach will assume the Mulligan lease and turn it into a Mexican restaurant. They will get three months of free rent to do the renovations.  $15,910.11 a month base rent. 3.5% increase each year for full term of this lease. The lease term will be extended to a 10 year initial term commencing October 1or rent commencement date with 2, five year options for renewal. Security deposit will be two months of base rent. Covid deferral and abatement would start on October 1 or when they're ready to open and run through December 31. Beginning January 1 2021 additional deferrals and abatement would apply if needed.

The vote was 5/0.

COVID-19 - Remarks from Lake Worth commission Meeting


Testing in Lake Worth (Beach)
  • 40 Tests sites in the county
  • City trying to get testing here
  • County and Fire Rescue is working on a mobile testing site for Lake Worth (Beach)--could be as early as this Friday
  • Team in the city coordinating with the county to get sites within the city
  • Probably will get not-for-profits helping with this site endeavor
  • Food distribution continues
  • City organization has systems in place that are working remotely. City looking at June 1st as target date to get some employees back at city in place...looking at best practices to restart their operations.
  • Conversations about upcoming events. Memorial Day will be at Pinecrest Cemetery at a reduced event.

RICO charges filed against Hudson Holdings

Remember these bums?

Well, former Lake Worth commissioner John Szerdi should remember them...he worked for them. Then we have Wes Blackman, former chair of the Historic Resource Preservation Board--he worked for Hudson Holdings too. We can't forget Greg Rice, Chair of our Planning & Zoning board, campaigning for it all, as well as the PAC for which he was affiliated, Friends of the Gulfstream, which had an ethics complaint filed against it in July 2013. It pulled a lot of dirty tricks back then.

On top of the above three, we have three city commissioners still in office: Scott Maxwell, Mayor Pam Triolo and Andy Amoroso who gave Hudson Holdings every little thing their heart desired like upzoning at the Gulfstream Hotel area as well as declaring an entire election null and void, won by the people on heights.

Anonymous Lake Worth Graphics Artist

Respectful Planning PAC won at the ballot just a few years ago getting 56% of the vote to keep the heights to 45 feet. Thanks to everyone who worked on this with special gratitude to Laurel Decker. Then the city attorney pulled a fast one on the people--so did the commission. They did not care about democracy, only giving developers what they wanted.

Changing Florida's Future, a PAC out of Tallahassee, sent out mailers supporting the election of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso that were funded by Hudson Holdings in the amount of $9,000. Hudson Holdings knew who their friends were.

The Gulfstream Hotel sits there and rots to this day. But wait a minute--we had a husband and wife team that blitzed into the city...supposed developers, Amy and Amrit Gill from St. Louis who told us that they were ready to embark on a $100 million project to renovate the historic building. The city fell for it and so did the residents. I wonder if any investors fell for it too? Where are these people?

Hudson Holdings had a lot of connections in St. Louis as well as failed projects. Was there not a red flag for the City of Lake Worth with this husband and wife team when it appeared out of nowhere from St. Louis? It really makes one wonder what really is going on. No one can continue to have two left feet.

The caveat for these "supposed" new developers to go forward with the hotel? They insisted that the residents approve a ballot measure in March 2020 that would allow property built adjacent to the hotel to match the Gulfstream’s 87-foot height. City guidelines limit building height east of Dixie Highway to 65 feet. Mailer after mailer was sent out to voters promoting this measure. Who was behind this mailer? It sounds like a Steven Michael tactic. The City knows nothing about this husband and wife team any more than they did about Hudson Holdings. Have they done one bit of due diligence?

Two years ago, south county developer Bill Milmoe and vitamin kingpin Carl DeSantis filed a RICO lawsuit against Hudson Holdings. It was settled and it was reported that CDS (the DeSantis group) now owns the property. Details of the settlement were kept secret and sealed.  But the owners are still HH GULFSTREAM LAND HOLDINGS LLC according to the Property appraiser's office.

**Now one of the original investors in the Hudson Holdings "enterprise" regarding the Gulfstream Hotel just filed suit under RICO statutes because of Steven Michael's and Avi Greenbaum's continuing individual and enterprise misconduct." The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties.


"We think we will be able to deliver it as a shot."

This interview was done near the end of March--

Pandemic Scientist Says His Team Found Cure for COVID-19

Election Fraud Prevention Act

Republicans Just Stopped Democrats From Stealing 2020 Election...maybe

In 2018, California Democrats used “ballot harvesting” as part of a successful effort to flip seven Republican-held seats.

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), ranking member of the Committee on House Administration, introduced a bill last week to ban the practice of “ballot harvesting,” which allows anyone to deliver unlimited numbers of mail-in ballots on others’ behalf.

Read the bill

Read the article

The only hope we have of this passing in the house is the fact that ballot harvesting is banned in most every state in gthe country.

Italian Parliament member wants Bill Gates tried for Crimes

Fiery speech (with English subtitles and full transcript) by an Italian legislator demanding the arrest of “vaccine criminal” Bill Gates

"Italian Member of Parliament Sara Cunial delivered a blistering attack on 'vaccine criminal' Bill Gates, demanding he be turned over to the International Criminal Court for “crimes against humanity.”

Holy crap--Read the transcript

China and the Virus that has decimated the World

China Admits It Ordered Labs To Destroy Virus Samples, Possibly Setting World Back Months

Liu Dengfeng of the Chinese National Health Commission’s science and education department said samples of the virus were destroyed at unauthorized labs to “prevent the risk to laboratory biological safety and prevent secondary disasters caused by unidentified pathogens.”

Read about it...

Tonight's Commission Meeting

Under New Business tonight:

Benny's Lease will be reviewed
Payment of rent in through possibly May 2020;  Provisions addressing potential COVID-19 restrictions which may include:  Rent deferment; and/or,  Rent abatement. While the City retains the absolute discretion as to whether to amend the Lease with Benny’s, City staff is supportive of the considering the amendment in view of its good Fiscal Impact Analysis - n/a Second Amendment (to be provided upon conclusion of negotiations) working relationship with Benny’s and Lee Lipton’s desire to take over and renovate Mulligan’s.

Mulligans Lake Worth acquisition--
The Second Amendment to the Retail Lease with Mulligans Lake Worth Acquisition, LLC (“Mulligans”), seeks authorization from the City to assign the Lease to NUSTART, LLC, for use as a Mexican restaurant with related amendments to the Lease’s term, rent and related provisions.

BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION: On March 19, 2012, the City and Mulligans entered a retail lease for Units #7 and #8 at the Lake Worth Beach Municipal Casino Building (“Lease”). On January 19, 2016, the City and Mulligan’s amended the Lease to allow Mulligan’s to be acquired by a third party with George Hart remaining involved and as a guarantor. In April 2020, NUSTART, LLC’s owner, Lee Lipton (current owner of Benny’s at the Beach), contacted the City about an assignment of the Lease in order to renovate the premises for the operation of a Mexican restaurant. Consistent with the prior assignment of this Lease and other Casino Tenant leases

A Mexican restaurant would be a real winner.

Monday, May 18, 2020

California city's commitment to fundamental constitutional rights

California city declares itself 'sanctuary city' from Gov. Newsom's strict lockdown order

BUT, it's not what you think!

It's not for illegal immigrants — but in response to Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom's stay-at-home order.


Pelosi's proposed Heroe's Act bill

  • 1,815 pages.
  • 347,144 words.
  • 44,803 paragraphs.
  • It took us over 6 MINUTES just to scroll to the end.
  • Even the media calls it a “wish list” that will “never become law.”
THIS is what trying to take advantage of a crisis looks like 👇

Republicans are still examining the legislation to see what else they tried to slip in there. The bill is 1,800 pages long. Who bets they’ve tried to shoehorn in policies on global warming? Or single-payer healthcare? [patrioticpost]

Tlaib the Hater


It is always a little amusing when you see the number of people on the Democratic side of the aisle that accuse Republicans of horrible things and then end up getting charged with something themselves.

Read about her...

It's difficult to realize that we have people such as she elected to Congress. Who in the hell does she represent? Not sure which is worse--directing staff to put campaign funds into her personal account or Ilahn marrying her bother. The entire Mad Squad is a detriment to our country.

Princeton educated Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch Corrupt

CONFIRMED: Top Democrat Witness During Impeachment Hearings LIED Under Oath

Read about the details

McEnany and her "A" Game

Liberal Reporter Tries To Corner Kayleigh McEnany On ‘Obamagate’ Crimes

It Immediately Backfires

This gal has to be the sharpest White House Press Secretary the Trump administration has ever had.

"CBS News Radio correspondent Steven Portnoy tried to get McEnany to talk about the exact crimes that President Donald Trump claims Barack Obama’s administration committed by first pointing out that she is a lawyer herself.

Read how she answered him... that left him looking stupid and stuttering.

Boy Scouts Banned

Boy Scouts banned from planting American flags on veterans' graves for Memorial Day due to coronavirus

The U.S. National Cemetery Administration, the federal agency within the VA that operates the sites that because of the "national emergency, VA national cemeteries will not be hosting public Memorial Day events," and that includes "mass placement of gravesite flags."

Read about it...

Something tells me that we will figure out a way.

Inslee of Washington State Lost his Marbles

Next Phase Of Tyranny: Dem Governor Orders You MUST Present ID To Eat But NOT To Vote

Just when you think it can't get worse--

Governor Jay Inslee of Washington state, issued an order that is utterly ridiculous. It's so insane that you would think that even Democrats would say no to it.

Read about the nut job

Tyranny in America

Salon Owner Fined $14,000 for Reopening, Then Child Protective Services Question Her Kid

< Folks, this is what's happening in America! And I only find it happening in states with Democrat governors. I honestly thought the worst governors in the United States were Newsom, Cuomo, Northam and Whitmer but now I have to add Kate Brown of Oregon.

What happened to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? This is all cruel, unreasonable, and/or arbitrary use of power and control. SICK

Read about what Oregon did to her

Fauci should be Fired and Jailed?

If THIS is the evidence Fauci is citing to keep hydroxychloroquine from being prescribed, he should be fired, have his medical license revoked, and jailed

"Last week I was involved in a heated debate with several sheep liberals that was provoked by a video I had published starring a Dallas physician who is prescribing hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to her COVID patients. She is enjoying a 100% cure rate and shared her success story publicly via video. She is not the only doc, by the way, enjoying a 100% cure rate with HCQ, as reported by Powdered Wig in early April."

Read the rest of the article...

In the Name of "Equality"

NFL Proposes Rule That Would Give Teams a Competitive Advantage for Hiring Black Coaches and Executives

According to the report, a team that hires a minority coach gets a helping hand in the third round of the draft after that coach’s first year by moving up six spots from where it would otherwise pick.

A team that hires a minority general manager would get to move up 10 spots. And a team that in the same year fills both a head coach and a general manager with a minority candidate would move up 16 spots in the draft, potentially moving its third-round draft pick into the second round.

Affirmative action in the NFL? How do people sit around and dream up this stuff? This is a business. You hire the best person with the best qualifications. And as Biden would say, "PERIOD."


China gets Negative Views

U.S. Views of China Increasingly Negative Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Republicans more negative than Democrats toward China, though unfavorable ratings have climbed among both parties.

"Views of China have soured further in 2020, building on the dramatic uptick in negativity seen between 2018 and 2019. Roughly two-thirds of Americans now have a negative opinion of China, the highest percentage recorded since Pew Research Center began asking the question in 2005. Only about a quarter in the U.S. report a favorable attitude." [Pew Research]

China is our enemy in spite of what Joe believes or the 25% who still give China a favorable rating...must be Democrats or people living in a vacuum.

Read about it... at Pew Research Center.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dr. Fauci - Inconsistent Opinions

Fauci Caught On Camera Contradicting Himself About Severity of Coronavirus

Pelosi has Lost Her Mind

Pelosi’s Bill Gives Massive Tax Break To The Rich In Mostly Blue States, Taxpayer Money To Illegal Aliens

"The third COVID-19 relief bill was signed on Friday, and lawmakers are now starting to propose ideas for the next round of stimulus. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) floated an idea in a New York Times interview to "retroactively undo [the] SALT" deduction cap. Repealing or increasing that cap would be costly and poorly targeted as pandemic relief as benefits would flow almost entirely to high-income households, and retroactively doing so would be an even larger windfall to high-income households.

The SALT cap limits the deduction for state and local sales taxes to $10,000, enacted by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) to broaden the tax base. Completely repealing the cap retroactively for the last two years would cost over $130 billion, with about half the benefit going to households making over $1 million a year." [Committee for a Responsible Federal budget]

Read about it... at the Daily Wire.

President Trump says this bill is "Dead on Arrival."

Next Phase Of Tyranny in Washington State

Next Phase Of Tyranny: Dem Governor Orders You MUST Present ID To Eat But NOT To Vote

"As Inslee begins to reopen his state, it seems he’s determined to wipe out the restaurant business His latest order is bonkers. Inslee is requiring all Restaurants in Washington state to keep a log of every dine-in customer. In a state where they allow vote-by-mail you’ll need an ID to eat."


It's got to be tough to live in a state with a Democrat governor and/or legislature.

Malayan tiger gives birth to triplets at PB Zoo

The Palm Beach Zoo says, "THEY'RE HERE!!! Api went into labor on Tuesday, May 12 in the late evening and was grooming THREE happy and healthy cubs by the end of the night. The process went smoother than we could've hoped for and Api is already showing the signs of being a rockstar Momma!"

Read about it...

Trump Tweet on Borders

And, The Trump administration has carried out nearly 10,000 summary deportations or “expulsions” since March 21, using emergency public health measures during the coronavirus outbreak that have given U.S. Customs and Border Protection broad authority.

This subject has been on the back burner lately but still in the minds of people who want to protect our country, at least all Republicans do.

The facts on a typical day

Dr. Rick Bright claims to be a "Whistleblower"

What The House Dems Just Did During The New ‘Whistleblower’ Hearing Is Appalling & America Needs To Know!

House Democrats did not put Dr. Rick Bright under oath.

During a time when things are upside down for partisan reasons, the Democrats are letting a disgruntled employee lie with no accountability; it is appalling! [RedRightDaily]

He's just a Tump hater against the use of hydroxchloroquine and wanting to disparage the President.

And now he did not show up for work at his new assignment where his pay remains the same at $285,000 a year.

Democrats know how to pull fast ones.

Barack Obama’s reputation is forever tarnished

‘This is not a normal period’: Carlson says Obama should be ‘disgraced’ for trying to ‘derail’ Trump

Recently released documents have revived speculation among Obama’s critics about his role in a plot to entrap former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.


Obama should keep his mouth shut

Mitch McConnell SLAMS Obama For Attacking Trump on Coronavirus Response

Obama attacked President Trump over how he has handled the coronavirus pandemic as well as the investigation into the investigators who spied on the Trump campaign.

But really, Obama is just blowing hot air with no substance. That's all the Democrats ever do. They attack and criticize but never elaborate. It just amounts to basically a bunch of name-calling and "my dad can beat up your dad" rhetoric. [ThinkAmericana]

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Pelosi's new Socialist Wish List

House Democrats unveil massive new coronavirus relief bill ahead of Friday vote

Pelosi's bill All 1815 pages!

It is felt that Republicans, who have downplayed the need for more immediate spending, are unlikely to approve the package in the Senate.

It includes, according to a CNBC summary:
  • Nearly $1 trillion in relief for state and local governments 
  • A second round of direct payments of $1,200 per person, and up to $6,000 for a household
  • About $200 billion for hazard pay for essential workers who face heightened health risks during the crisis
  • $75 billion for coronavirus testing and contact tracing — a key effort to restart businesses
  • An extension of the $600 per week federal unemployment insurance benefit through January (the provision approved in March is set to expire after July)
  • $175 billion in rent, mortgage and utility assistance 
  • Subsidies and a special Affordable Care Act enrollment period to people who lose their employer-sponsored health coverage
  • More money for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, including a 15% increase in the maximum benefit
  • Measures designed to buoy small businesses and help them keep employees on payroll, such as $10 billion in emergency disaster assistance grants and a strengthened employee retention tax credit
  • Money for election safety during the pandemic and provisions to make voting by mail easier
  • Relief for the U.S. Postal Service