Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Italian Parliament member wants Bill Gates tried for Crimes

Fiery speech (with English subtitles and full transcript) by an Italian legislator demanding the arrest of “vaccine criminal” Bill Gates

"Italian Member of Parliament Sara Cunial delivered a blistering attack on 'vaccine criminal' Bill Gates, demanding he be turned over to the International Criminal Court for “crimes against humanity.”

Holy crap--Read the transcript


  1. There is no effort that cannot be criticized and found fault with. Bill Gates is not God, nor does he know all the answers. He may very well have become a Zealot, leading him to concentrate on his cause, to the detriment, or neglect of other illnesses. I read an article to this effect in an LA times piece enttitled: Unintended Victims of Gates Foundation generosity. Another subject might be: Who besides Bill Gates is doing anything at all in these poverty stricken areas in Africa? Is there a company; A Diamond mine, or some other industry that is contributing to this poverty? I don't know the answer. I just refuse to believe that Bill Gates is purposely killing and maiming children for nefarious purposes.

  2. Are you kidding???? Gates wants world population control!! Helping Africa???? I never want that kind of "help". Fauci needs to hang alongside this global monster.Trump exposed Fauci for a reason.

  3. Gates said, I quote exactly from his speech:

    “if we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%.

    Only a genocide can save the world.”
    HANG HIM ,along with Soros, Fauci, and the false pope ,Francis!

  4. It looks like you may have skipped some context here 12:54. Please provide the source of your quotation; I'd like to read it for myself.
