Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tyranny in America

Salon Owner Fined $14,000 for Reopening, Then Child Protective Services Question Her Kid

< Folks, this is what's happening in America! And I only find it happening in states with Democrat governors. I honestly thought the worst governors in the United States were Newsom, Cuomo, Northam and Whitmer but now I have to add Kate Brown of Oregon.

What happened to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? This is all cruel, unreasonable, and/or arbitrary use of power and control. SICK

Read about what Oregon did to her


  1. The Law and Order Party is cool with law and order as long as it doesn't apply to them.

    There are laws. If you choose to violate them, you suffer the consequences. It's real simple.

    Finally, the law isn't isn't arbitrarily applied. It is applied to those who choose to violate it. That's it. It applies to Ferguson protestors as much as it applies to these ding dongs.

  2. The "law" as you put it is definitely arbitrarily applied as the different governors are taking different approaches.
    Elected officials need to follow the Constitution and make common sense decisions.

  3. State laws are different state to state, Lynn. They're still laws that must be followed or you suffer the consequences. You don't get to choose which ones you'll follow and which ones you ignore because they don't fit your mood on a particular day.

    She'll get her day in court and her lawyer should challenge the constitutionality of the law if he/she doesn't think it's legal. But you got to be ready to suffer the consequences if you choose to break the law no matter what your reason is.

    It's called law and order. It's amazing the Law and Order and Blue Lives Matters folks don't understand that.

  4. Oh we understand it. And we also realize that it is in blue states where they only want power and control. An executive governor's order does not have the force and effect of law.

  5. Laws are not made to suit the occasion. These hastily approved regulations have not been tested in court. Let's see what happens next. These regulations are arbitrary at best.

  6. Executive Orders only apply to State Employees and Departments, and do not act as any form of law upon the Citizens. State executive orders are usually based on existing constitutional or statutory powers of the governor and do not require any action by the state legislature to take effect.

  7. Liberty/Freedom is wasted on most people. Some people abuse their freedom, totally misinterpreting its' intent, while others adhere to a strict code of their own making.
