Thursday, May 21, 2020

It's time for another freeze according to NASA

Climate Changed Debunked Once Again…NASA Scientists Panic About Global Freezing

"Are we ever going to end this bogus climate change myth? It's been going on for over 100 years at least and guess what? We're still not extinct, nor are we close to it or close to destroying the planet."

Read about it...


  1. I'm trying to figure out how you think, Lynn. I honestly believe that if Republicans one day said smoking was totally cool and constituted a "liberal conspiracy," folks like yourself would start promoting smoking and telling people they could own the Dems by smoking in public places. You wouldn't smoke yourself, of course, because you would still have your doubts, but you would have no problem at all being responsible for folks getting hooked on cigarettes and possibly getting cancer...just to piss off the Dems.

    It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my lifetime.

  2. There are other viewpoints on this, anonymous. This is one by NASA.
    I am giving one of them.
    You don't like that? Tell it to the scientists at NASA.
    Your analogy really is funny.
    P.S. Anyone who smokes is a total idiot.
    I am not an EWE as much as you like to think that I am.
    The weirdest thing is a liberal trying to understand any point of view other than what has been fed to them.

  3. Ever since the Pleistocene Glaciation ended, sea level has been slowly rising as the earth warmed. This will continue until we enter the next glacial period...though it is possible to have a meaningless spike up or down for a few decades or even as long as 500 years..which has happened with what was called the Little Ice Age...mid 14th century to mid 19th. It was not a real ice age..just a spike that meant nothing in geologic time. Climate Warming is a major hoax that ignore the last 20,000 years and the last few million. It has leaders like Greta Thunberg with little education to get in the way of her telling the world what it needs to do to avoid Global warming, even though the last few million years does a great job of proving there is no global warming....And there is no connection between CO2 levels and sea level rise or global average temperatures when you look at a 20 thousand year trend, and you don't allow climate frauds to pick 20 different time chunks to show warming in, at the same time deleting as many that show cooling. This article Lynn posted should get even anonymous posters to consider doing some research of their own beyond listening to Al Gore or Greta, or CNN. beyond people that build homes on beaches are building on what is known be sometimes depositional, and sometimes erosional - ie., it is not smart to build there...True for homes and true for communities built right on the water...You don't build in the flood plain of the Mississippi river either.
