Monday, May 18, 2020

Inslee of Washington State Lost his Marbles

Next Phase Of Tyranny: Dem Governor Orders You MUST Present ID To Eat But NOT To Vote

Just when you think it can't get worse--

Governor Jay Inslee of Washington state, issued an order that is utterly ridiculous. It's so insane that you would think that even Democrats would say no to it.

Read about the nut job


  1. So what will Heir Inslee do if a person refuses to "self isolate"? Send them to jail? No ,wait, nobody can be in jail now,not even criminals,so that option is out,,,,sooooo WHAT?? Hang them? Shoot them ? And by the way,my name just became Donald Duck!

  2. This place is crazy! Mediocrity is the norm today. So many idiots running this country and world. Narcissists. Their is no logic. All people should have to show their ID for anything, voting, driving, etc. Why do we think it is OK to have all these illegal immigrants living illegally and freely in our country?

    Just try to rise above all this madness these days! It just keeps getting worse.
