Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Lake Worth (Beach) is broke

Blaming it on added expenses because of the coronavirus (according to the city manager), the entire commission voted to borrow $10 to $20 million to keep the city afloat.

The reasons to borrow:
(a) The City faces an unprecedented and temporary strain on its finances due to the financial impacts of the COVID -19 pandemic.
(b) It is vital to the citizens of the City that basic city services continue to be provided.
(c) The City desires to incur short-term Obligations to continue to fund essential City services as a “Project” vital to the needs of citizens of the City.

Commissioner Hardy interjected BS politics into the meeting when he said, that like businesses and individuals, state and local governments are in fierce need of their own stimulus. He criticized Florida Sen. Rick Scott for “politicizing” requests from states seeking federal help for coronavirus relief. "The U.S. House of Representatives passed a $3 trillion aid package on May 15 to help state and local governments, but its been dismissed by the Republican-controlled Senate," he said.

Then the Palm Beach Post thought it was a good idea to mention the political party of a few of our commissioners even though this is supposed to be a non-partisan commission. Of course, we know it isn't...not with Robinson and especially Hardy on the dais. But then there is Maxwell who approves of spending and spending more and more and getting us deeper in debt which is not a Republican trait.

Read about it...

Let's figure out how to cut spending instead of more debt. And please explain how we will pay this money back.


  1. Can we get term limits?

  2. Did the Commission Bitches and Bornstein get their fat paychecks and benefits pkg.??? during this crisis?

  3. Crazy, and we heard they went and hired several new employees during the pandemic as political favors for the politicians or other people in charge of certain posts. There is so much waste. How about if all the elected do the service work of the city without any pay at all? This could add up to a few hundred thousand to save. So much waste and ineffective leadership in this city. The leaders and elected here are all very self serving and could care less about the financial standing of the city, they only care about themselves. Please pray for Lake Worth and these lame elected/leaders.

  4. Can we get incorporated into Palm Beach County or City of West Palm? Nothing historical or unique about this town time to let it go.

  5. You wouldn't get incorporated into Palm Beach County, you would get unincorporated.

    As far as West Palm: you think you have problems now?
