Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Scary Joe Biden

“I’m prepared to say that I have a record of over 40 years,” Biden said. “And that I’m going to beat Joe Biden. Look at my record. The fact is that some areas that I think, for example, I think health care is a right, not a privilege. I do not support ‘Medicare for all.’ I will not support ‘Medicare for all.’ But I do support making sure that Obamacare is around as a public option.”


  1. "Joe Biden tells voters he's 'going to beat Joe Biden.'"

    "In its complete context, the video from an interview with CNBC appears to show Biden saying he’s "going to be Joe Biden," not "beat Joe Biden."

    The words do sound similar, but the context is telling, with Biden saying he’s going to stay true to his own political positions. CNBC’s transcript quotes Biden as saying "be," not "beat," as do news reports from the Associated Press and New York Times."

    We rate this statement False.

  2. Oh God, you will probably give me Snopes next. You tell me to Google it so go to any reputable news sources that say that is what he said.
    Listen to it.
    Biden is full of gaffes.
    You cite left-wing media sources.

  3. “I’m going to beat Joe Biden.” It looks like a gaffe. I’d argue it’s more of a Freudian slip
